Friday, May 8, 2009 @ 10:27 AM
hosp app duhhs:S
damn! i got summoe medicine given by d docter OMG! i barely takes it& nw i hav moe boohoos:( argh!damn! d doc molested miie! chiakk. i said chiakk,haha dey had 2 check miie. gahs..shoo uncomfortable larhhs but mye mum din bwin miie go mit dietician kwangkwangkwang. gahahahahs no nid tynk wat i owase eat, most of d peepz in d hospital were wearin mask. i din,it was big!& i look funny mye mum oni use it ferr a few min she oso took it off gahahs scold miie but in d end,gahahs gud ting d doc oni took a small tube of blood ferr blood test. if nort,aiyoyoyo shoo much man. den we wen home,i den caught flu! dammit! i was gonna mit didi♥ but i was sick & as soon as i reach home,i fell ashleep. shooooo blooody shadd:( bt didi♥ mcg miie & cheered miie up.. loveeeee:$ Labels: didi♥
Friday, May 8, 2009 @ 10:27 AM
hosp app duhhs:S
damn! i got summoe medicine given by d docter OMG! i barely takes it& nw i hav moe boohoos:( argh!damn! d doc molested miie! chiakk. i said chiakk,haha dey had 2 check miie. gahs..shoo uncomfortable larhhs but mye mum din bwin miie go mit dietician kwangkwangkwang. gahahahahs no nid tynk wat i owase eat, most of d peepz in d hospital were wearin mask. i din,it was big!& i look funny mye mum oni use it ferr a few min she oso took it off gahahs scold miie but in d end,gahahs gud ting d doc oni took a small tube of blood ferr blood test. if nort,aiyoyoyo shoo much man. den we wen home,i den caught flu! dammit! i was gonna mit didi♥ but i was sick & as soon as i reach home,i fell ashleep. shooooo blooody shadd:( bt didi♥ mcg miie & cheered miie up.. loveeeee:$ Labels: didi♥
ur one and only
chica gone loca{:
klutz.shy.loud.uniquely weird.
my status aint your concern kaes ?:D

♥chicas 'n' chicos