Friday, April 24, 2009 @ 2:10 AM
 heyy bloggie,
hmmph,2dae was fun.
went 2 d j.w lib wit zana,man,linaa,mush,yad,ilah,nana&&ntahh ekh cape agy gyy?
ayu lupe,cheyy,cam bloggie tawu.
well,we had fun talkin,laugin,jokin
its been long since i had diz kindda fun.
dey really crack miie up.
nana was d loudspeaker,duhh.
reallie hadd fun.
nenot tell y,
dey juz made miie happie.
i realie mished nana.
yad&&ilah was superr cute!
dey were lyk glue!
we got chased out of d lib.
we were makin 2 muchh noise.
d security said.
reallie mehh,wher gott.
dat security attitude.
d break upp,actually opens mye eyes yg POTEK niie. ayu kann POTEKLICIOUS.lols
i realise how much i lose out in lyf.
as in mye fwensh.
dey were d ones who tried 2 cheer miie upp.
comfort miie wen i cried.help miie wen i hav a prob.
mye true fwensh.
ones who are owase dere,bt i was nort
i neglect dem.
i neglect dem&&made fwensh wit d ones who cant b trusted.
ive been baqstabbed!lol
well,its over.i cant do aniting.
btttt i ken kipp wateve comment 2 mye BUDS&&I.
i loveeeee mye fwensh dammit! blogg euu ltr lovee.(:
Labels: LOLXDD
Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 1:09 AM
heyy new bloggie! hehes(: ayu used 2 hav a bloggie. named CHOCOLATEBABYCHEESECAKE. butt dat bloggie hav 2 much hurtful memories, wich nid nort b rmbred. d person ish nort rememberin,y must i ryte? well,its a new strt ferr euu&&miie eyy. heeees:D i hope 2 blogg moe. u noe u noe. hahas:) ayu crazy ready u noe,bloggie. hees:) dada! bubbye bloggie! post another comment another dae or l8r :) loves&&huggies lolsXD Labels: a new start(:
Friday, April 24, 2009 @ 2:10 AM
 heyy bloggie,
hmmph,2dae was fun.
went 2 d j.w lib wit zana,man,linaa,mush,yad,ilah,nana&&ntahh ekh cape agy gyy?
ayu lupe,cheyy,cam bloggie tawu.
well,we had fun talkin,laugin,jokin
its been long since i had diz kindda fun.
dey really crack miie up.
nana was d loudspeaker,duhh.
reallie hadd fun.
nenot tell y,
dey juz made miie happie.
i realie mished nana.
yad&&ilah was superr cute!
dey were lyk glue!
we got chased out of d lib.
we were makin 2 muchh noise.
d security said.
reallie mehh,wher gott.
dat security attitude.
d break upp,actually opens mye eyes yg POTEK niie. ayu kann POTEKLICIOUS.lols
i realise how much i lose out in lyf.
as in mye fwensh.
dey were d ones who tried 2 cheer miie upp.
comfort miie wen i cried.help miie wen i hav a prob.
mye true fwensh.
ones who are owase dere,bt i was nort
i neglect dem.
i neglect dem&&made fwensh wit d ones who cant b trusted.
ive been baqstabbed!lol
well,its over.i cant do aniting.
btttt i ken kipp wateve comment 2 mye BUDS&&I.
i loveeeee mye fwensh dammit! blogg euu ltr lovee.(:
Labels: LOLXDD
Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 1:09 AM
heyy new bloggie! hehes(: ayu used 2 hav a bloggie. named CHOCOLATEBABYCHEESECAKE. butt dat bloggie hav 2 much hurtful memories, wich nid nort b rmbred. d person ish nort rememberin,y must i ryte? well,its a new strt ferr euu&&miie eyy. heeees:D i hope 2 blogg moe. u noe u noe. hahas:) ayu crazy ready u noe,bloggie. hees:) dada! bubbye bloggie! post another comment another dae or l8r :) loves&&huggies lolsXD Labels: a new start(:
ur one and only
chica gone loca{:
klutz.shy.loud.uniquely weird.
my status aint your concern kaes ?:D

♥chicas 'n' chicos