Tuesday, February 23, 2010 @ 2:02 AM
my hawtstuff , not yours !
peek-a-booooo !:)))
Siti Norhidayu loves Izdiyad v. muchmuch !:D
Soo,basically,ayu never go to school today and
ayu dragged hunney along with her.
Well,i'm admitting tomorrow and i want to
spend time with my hunney,so jyeah.
Father was like asking me why i didnt want
to go to school,i kept quiet.huhu.
than mummeh said ' sukesuke hati dier je
nak pegy sekolah ke tk , ' laughlaughlaugh. Kaekae,
i know you tak faham,it's an inside joke,
you wouldnt understand :DD .
Woke up as per usual,and waited for hunney.
Ayu was superr lazy,open closet,
lazy to thinkthink,so ayu just pakai tube,shorts
and hunney's jacket.
Ayu had to rushrush as stupid 30 came full!
Pantat sq !
suddenly nawi th 3O ketot ! dumbdumb betul,
Ikaa and qayyum have been asking me to go
to school,but i didnt in th end,i'm soo sorry.
Zana was waiting for me kat inter,as i needed
to pass hers and casey's work.If not they mati.
So ayu had to take 246 and had to drop off at
lakeside,then naek 180.Lembab betul bus !
Qayyum called me,asking where i was.huhu.
I was sooooo suprise to see Zana with Man,Evelyn,
qayyum and DY !I thought it was only Zana.
Well,i'm gonna miss them ? jyeah.
Had breakfast with hunney at kfc near my crib ?
somewhere there larhh huh.
Than we sitsit at my block,ayu lupe bwk keys !
fuck ayu fuck !
bodoh betul ayu niie,
Than we went to buy bbt,hunney bought lemon ice blend
which was very lemoney !huhu,but hunney liked it :D
I bought strawberry milk tea,more ice! :DDD
Than we lepak-ed again,i had fun.
We made a new game ! using straw !
Ask me how its played and i'll show you !:)))))
But must ask my hunney also lurhh,
I love my hunney !:DD
Send hunney home and 198-ed to tanglin.
People who wished me luck;
nisa scandal ! ilyvm
zana haney ;
ikaa sayang;
thankiieu people !
ayu tak ingt lagy who;
sorry if i've missed out your name.
Well,my lappy broke my heart and now i dont want
to go for that op !
What am i suppose to do in th hosp ? arghh!
text me ! keep me accompanied !
Siti Norhidayu loves Izdiyad v. muchmuch !:D
Soo,basically,ayu never go to school today and
ayu dragged hunney along with her.
Well,i'm admitting tomorrow and i want to
spend time with my hunney,so jyeah.
Father was like asking me why i didnt want
to go to school,i kept quiet.huhu.
than mummeh said ' sukesuke hati dier je
nak pegy sekolah ke tk , ' laughlaughlaugh. Kaekae,
i know you tak faham,it's an inside joke,
you wouldnt understand :DD .
Woke up as per usual,and waited for hunney.
Ayu was superr lazy,open closet,
lazy to thinkthink,so ayu just pakai tube,shorts
and hunney's jacket.
Ayu had to rushrush as stupid 30 came full!
Pantat sq !
suddenly nawi th 3O ketot ! dumbdumb betul,
Ikaa and qayyum have been asking me to go
to school,but i didnt in th end,i'm soo sorry.
Zana was waiting for me kat inter,as i needed
to pass hers and casey's work.If not they mati.
So ayu had to take 246 and had to drop off at
lakeside,then naek 180.Lembab betul bus !
Qayyum called me,asking where i was.huhu.
I was sooooo suprise to see Zana with Man,Evelyn,
qayyum and DY !I thought it was only Zana.
Well,i'm gonna miss them ? jyeah.
Had breakfast with hunney at kfc near my crib ?
somewhere there larhh huh.
Than we sitsit at my block,ayu lupe bwk keys !
fuck ayu fuck !
bodoh betul ayu niie,
Than we went to buy bbt,hunney bought lemon ice blend
which was very lemoney !huhu,but hunney liked it :D
I bought strawberry milk tea,more ice! :DDD
Than we lepak-ed again,i had fun.
We made a new game ! using straw !
Ask me how its played and i'll show you !:)))))
But must ask my hunney also lurhh,
I love my hunney !:DD
Send hunney home and 198-ed to tanglin.
People who wished me luck;
nisa scandal ! ilyvm
zana haney ;
ikaa sayang;
thankiieu people !
ayu tak ingt lagy who;
sorry if i've missed out your name.
Well,my lappy broke my heart and now i dont want
to go for that op !
What am i suppose to do in th hosp ? arghh!
text me ! keep me accompanied !
i gtg,my back is hurtin me !
bubbye !:DD
bubbye !:DD
Labels: get your dirty hands off kaes