Monday, May 18, 2009 @ 9:10 AM
gym mehh(:
a dae full of....; we were bored larhhs kan; c how random we ken get; we,had,ntg,better,2,do,dengs; bloods heart&&bloods star{!} ayu&&mush,,boredness @ lib,,agagaggaga d book ish tryna sae dat CHOCOLATE ISH BETTER DEN SEX, boredom strikes!usin mye hp(c d diff?)gahahaha boredom strikes!outside mac,,(mans hp) breakfast+lunch @ kfc(: we were hyper!in d lift 2 gym yeahh! in d morn,in 198 ,otw 2 j.e sports complex.mondae,,we went 2 dGYM!yaeahh!funn!we were abitta blurrblurr,,cosh we were nort sure of alotta tings,, wen we wanted 2 enter d gym oso we 'malumalu miaomiao'heeee:DD we wre lyk euu go in,,noooo euu go in 1st,,nono i dunch wan,,d oldest go in 1st,,no neyhmind,,euu go,, diz wen on ferr a long period of tym,,until mush got bored&&walked in 1st,,i was last,, duhh,, we were shoo clever dat we din bwin water bottle,,gud ting dere was a vendin machine outside d gym,, it was fun,,c-rious,,i enjoyed it,,while we were havin 'fun',, yuhua sec guys came in,,upper secs,,y?dey were wearin long pants,,duhh,,senior,, i manage 2 ingnore,,yesh!go ayu go ayu!(: but dere was 1 who was kindda 'HAWT',,no doubt,,c-rious,,even zana&&mush said shoo,, gahahahahahah,,muahahahhaha,,hahahahahahaha den we changed,,i was lazy 2 go inside d cubicle shoo,,i juz changed outside,, ekh2!outside of d cubicle,,inside d washroom lerrs!nort outside in public,,who wld b dumb enuf 2 do dat,tel miie,, c-riously gerls,,we all hav d same ting,,im gettin bored of dem sae no shame,,its nort lyk we're changin infront of guys ryte,,goshh,, mush wanted 2 bath,,shoo she did,,miie&&zana juz powdered bath,, we were lyk beautifyin ourselves in dere,,wich took a long tym,,haha,,gerls,,aint it normal,, i on song cosh it was too peaceful a toilet,,we had fun gettin beautify,,haha den we wen 2 eat @ kfc,,c-riously,,we din use our brains,,we juz worked out&&nw we're eatin fast food,, haha,,we were lyk d oni customers dere,,&& lyk duhh,,we made d most noise,, ouh yeahh,dey actually forgotten 2 send mye cheese fries 2 miie,,i was waitin lyk 1 toopid person,gahs,, how cld dey hav forgotten?!dey broke mye heart ferr nort rememberin): chiakk,,i said chiakk,,nenot c neberminds,,haha we were walkin in d rain,,yeahh! i love walkin in d rain cosh no1 noes im cying we were wet,,duhh ayu duhh,,we were walkin d rain,, we were gonna mitup wit man shoo we took 198,, we den wen to mac as man wanted 2 eat,, @ 1st we gerls were lazy 2 lyn hym,,but i cant stand lookin @ hym lyk dat,,lyk no mood,, shoo,,i asked hym,,he kept quiet @ 1st,,bt den he told,, we were lyk WTH,,WTF,FUB,LCB,,FFFF,FISH DEIR MOTHER UPSIDE DOWN,, toottootoot(tooo much a vulgar) kae c-riously peepz,,how wld euu feel if ur close fwen,,or juz a mate was lyk wat, busterd? diz fwen was lyk in love wit diz gerl,,&& planned 2 get steady afta exams,, dey were lyk shooo close,,dat der were lyk glue,,dey even hold hand,,despit deirconnection,, wen d dae d guy wanted 2 ask ferr steady,,d gerl asked hym 2 b her god bro,, lyk WTH RYTE DIS BIATCH,, euu planned,&& euu wen on goin steady wit another guy,,WAHH FUCK MAN,, euu hurt mye fwen dammit!euu played wit hys feelin!hw cld euu!i tot euu were diff fom d rest,, but wat d hell,,euu guys ar all d same,,HUH,,2 TOT DAT I TRUSTED EUU,, euu cld wat,,put a fullstop 2 wat euu did ryt,,no nid ta follow hym ard lyk a dog,, until d tym euu wen stedy,,euu wanted 2 hurt hym shoo bad isit,,do euu even hav a heart,, if euu hav sum1 else on mind,,euu cld sae 2 hym earlier ryte rather den hurtin hym lyk dat,, wow,,i was in tears tynkin of it @ hm,,he was a gret guy,, but euu noe wad?dey ar manie BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS IN D GARDEN,, c-riously,,im still angry,, TK PERLU NGOKK MUKE KRG,,JGN NK STEPP NGN AKU SIALANS,, DA MENTAH UAT MANTAH SUALARHH,,AKU BENCI NGN KRG,,NK STEPP MANENYYER CAM PA,, KRG GY FLY KYTE SUALRH BODOS damn!miie&& mye fwensh were lyk flaing up man,,1 by 1 lyk volcano,, usually im d 1 tryna solve,,bt i realise dat diz kindda attention seekers,, DONT DESERVE ATTENTION FOM MIIE OR MYE FWENSH,, shooo,get d hell outta mye face wen euu c miie dammit! den,,we decided 2 go 2 d lib as we were bored,, && guess WATT FUCKK APPEN? dey were @ d lib,,fish muchh? huhhhs!shoo d angry lion i tell ya!RAWR! we sat down,,blahhhblahhhblahhh,, den we wen out 2 d idkk larhh ekhh,&& sat down,,we climbed lyk monkeys,, eventho miie && zana were lyk wearin skirt,,haha,, den we bought ICE CREAM! yeah!miie loveeeeeeeeee! we send mush 2 d interchange && wen baq 2 jp&& tawaf d place,, agaggagagaggaga,, hahahhas, bubbyes; lovelovelove(: Labels: angry bodos
Monday, May 18, 2009 @ 9:10 AM
gym mehh(:
a dae full of....; we were bored larhhs kan; c how random we ken get; we,had,ntg,better,2,do,dengs; bloods heart&&bloods star{!} ayu&&mush,,boredness @ lib,,agagaggaga d book ish tryna sae dat CHOCOLATE ISH BETTER DEN SEX, boredom strikes!usin mye hp(c d diff?)gahahaha boredom strikes!outside mac,,(mans hp) breakfast+lunch @ kfc(: we were hyper!in d lift 2 gym yeahh! in d morn,in 198 ,otw 2 j.e sports complex.mondae,,we went 2 dGYM!yaeahh!funn!we were abitta blurrblurr,,cosh we were nort sure of alotta tings,, wen we wanted 2 enter d gym oso we 'malumalu miaomiao'heeee:DD we wre lyk euu go in,,noooo euu go in 1st,,nono i dunch wan,,d oldest go in 1st,,no neyhmind,,euu go,, diz wen on ferr a long period of tym,,until mush got bored&&walked in 1st,,i was last,, duhh,, we were shoo clever dat we din bwin water bottle,,gud ting dere was a vendin machine outside d gym,, it was fun,,c-rious,,i enjoyed it,,while we were havin 'fun',, yuhua sec guys came in,,upper secs,,y?dey were wearin long pants,,duhh,,senior,, i manage 2 ingnore,,yesh!go ayu go ayu!(: but dere was 1 who was kindda 'HAWT',,no doubt,,c-rious,,even zana&&mush said shoo,, gahahahahahah,,muahahahhaha,,hahahahahahaha den we changed,,i was lazy 2 go inside d cubicle shoo,,i juz changed outside,, ekh2!outside of d cubicle,,inside d washroom lerrs!nort outside in public,,who wld b dumb enuf 2 do dat,tel miie,, c-riously gerls,,we all hav d same ting,,im gettin bored of dem sae no shame,,its nort lyk we're changin infront of guys ryte,,goshh,, mush wanted 2 bath,,shoo she did,,miie&&zana juz powdered bath,, we were lyk beautifyin ourselves in dere,,wich took a long tym,,haha,,gerls,,aint it normal,, i on song cosh it was too peaceful a toilet,,we had fun gettin beautify,,haha den we wen 2 eat @ kfc,,c-riously,,we din use our brains,,we juz worked out&&nw we're eatin fast food,, haha,,we were lyk d oni customers dere,,&& lyk duhh,,we made d most noise,, ouh yeahh,dey actually forgotten 2 send mye cheese fries 2 miie,,i was waitin lyk 1 toopid person,gahs,, how cld dey hav forgotten?!dey broke mye heart ferr nort rememberin): chiakk,,i said chiakk,,nenot c neberminds,,haha we were walkin in d rain,,yeahh! i love walkin in d rain cosh no1 noes im cying we were wet,,duhh ayu duhh,,we were walkin d rain,, we were gonna mitup wit man shoo we took 198,, we den wen to mac as man wanted 2 eat,, @ 1st we gerls were lazy 2 lyn hym,,but i cant stand lookin @ hym lyk dat,,lyk no mood,, shoo,,i asked hym,,he kept quiet @ 1st,,bt den he told,, we were lyk WTH,,WTF,FUB,LCB,,FFFF,FISH DEIR MOTHER UPSIDE DOWN,, toottootoot(tooo much a vulgar) kae c-riously peepz,,how wld euu feel if ur close fwen,,or juz a mate was lyk wat, busterd? diz fwen was lyk in love wit diz gerl,,&& planned 2 get steady afta exams,, dey were lyk shooo close,,dat der were lyk glue,,dey even hold hand,,despit deirconnection,, wen d dae d guy wanted 2 ask ferr steady,,d gerl asked hym 2 b her god bro,, lyk WTH RYTE DIS BIATCH,, euu planned,&& euu wen on goin steady wit another guy,,WAHH FUCK MAN,, euu hurt mye fwen dammit!euu played wit hys feelin!hw cld euu!i tot euu were diff fom d rest,, but wat d hell,,euu guys ar all d same,,HUH,,2 TOT DAT I TRUSTED EUU,, euu cld wat,,put a fullstop 2 wat euu did ryt,,no nid ta follow hym ard lyk a dog,, until d tym euu wen stedy,,euu wanted 2 hurt hym shoo bad isit,,do euu even hav a heart,, if euu hav sum1 else on mind,,euu cld sae 2 hym earlier ryte rather den hurtin hym lyk dat,, wow,,i was in tears tynkin of it @ hm,,he was a gret guy,, but euu noe wad?dey ar manie BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS IN D GARDEN,, c-riously,,im still angry,, TK PERLU NGOKK MUKE KRG,,JGN NK STEPP NGN AKU SIALANS,, DA MENTAH UAT MANTAH SUALARHH,,AKU BENCI NGN KRG,,NK STEPP MANENYYER CAM PA,, KRG GY FLY KYTE SUALRH BODOS damn!miie&& mye fwensh were lyk flaing up man,,1 by 1 lyk volcano,, usually im d 1 tryna solve,,bt i realise dat diz kindda attention seekers,, DONT DESERVE ATTENTION FOM MIIE OR MYE FWENSH,, shooo,get d hell outta mye face wen euu c miie dammit! den,,we decided 2 go 2 d lib as we were bored,, && guess WATT FUCKK APPEN? dey were @ d lib,,fish muchh? huhhhs!shoo d angry lion i tell ya!RAWR! we sat down,,blahhhblahhhblahhh,, den we wen out 2 d idkk larhh ekhh,&& sat down,,we climbed lyk monkeys,, eventho miie && zana were lyk wearin skirt,,haha,, den we bought ICE CREAM! yeah!miie loveeeeeeeeee! we send mush 2 d interchange && wen baq 2 jp&& tawaf d place,, agaggagagaggaga,, hahahhas, bubbyes; lovelovelove(: Labels: angry bodos
ur one and only
chica gone loca{:
klutz.shy.loud.uniquely weird.
my status aint your concern kaes ?:D