Thursday, June 18, 2009 @ 9:28 PM
ekk ohh(: well,diz ish bout wat appen on 090609, kae i noe,dis was along tym ago,but,i wanna tok bout it, on dis date we celebrated, 'LINAAA E.P' BIRTHDAE; d birthdae gerl,aint she cute peepo(: d cake blow was designed by AYU,ZANA,MAN&&MUSH, kae,i noe its nort nyce,bt it was d 1st tym we did it, im sowie its nort nyce LINAAA,): ayu rawrrawr was attacked!huh!:S ush eatin cake,duhh, huhu,im nort in d picha): snappy;  d last piece of cake was ferr linaaa(: LINAAA!wth!she got nike shoe ! wich was bloody damn nyce!huh! mush huek huek; birthdae gerl(: man tebiat(: huhu,ken u c miie?heees:D ice-cream!ice-cream!wooohoooo! bloodscrew(: f om tall 2 short,huh! awwwwww,shoo shweet; AYUrawrrawr ;AYUChupaPop! ayurawrrawr; ush @ green park; linaaa,ayu,man; giv her a lolli&&she wont do dat(:     weeeeeeeeeeee~!      kaes,lets strt fom d beginnin, on dat dae,man && zana had shwimmin, mush told miie dat we were mittin @ 12, i reach arnd 12,bt noe wat?nobody was arnd,shit!dey rech bout 4omins ltr, shadd or watt, mush reached 1st,we wen arnd jp,lookin @ cakes, den we met up wit man&&zana, we wen baq inside jp, sumting FUCKTARD APPEN, I FELL @ D ESCALATOR, wth,malumalu, i slide down summoe,haha, kaes,it was pain bt i was laughing,haha mye fwensh were in shock mode,oni d lady infront ask if i was okae, huhu,drop mye water face oni,hha den we wen 2 design d cake, we dinhav experienced,shoo it look bad, huhu,but we were tryin,we were shoutin,&&laughin,lyk crazy peepo, haha,bewi funny,den we wen 2 eat mac b4 mitti linaaa, we were eatin,bt moe lyk Laughin,we were laughing lyk hell,we were d attention, den we met up wit LINAAAAAA!(: we head off 2 westcoastpark, we took 30,huhu,we were makin noise in d bus, wen we reach,we had 2 walk a long distance, whoa,tired,den we find a place 2 sit, kaesss,i love puttin cake on peepo,shoo i did,hheehe, we had fun, den off 2 mac,linaaa wanted 2eat, den we wen 2 green park,bt zana wen home, den mush wen home, shoo left miie,man n linaaa, we plaed,n laugh n laugh, it was great hell, heeeeeeeeees(: im rushin ferr tym,bubbye!(: Labels: linaaa birthdae
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 @ 2:32 AM
birthdae luhhs(:
ekk ohh bloggie!(: i mished euu,did euu mish miie?well u better kaes(: we oweady blast shooo much,well euu noe miie, i love blasting arnd,hehe nw,we're blasting 2 'NADINE FALISHA' 1 year old birthdae!(: (wich was celebrated on 060609) (i din get 2 sing ferr her bdae song shooo) happy birthdae 2 euu, happy birthdae 2 euu, happy birthdae 2 FALISHA happy birthdae 2 euu; wen i reach,d birthdae gerl was nort in mood, i din take ani pichas of her,how dumb of miie, man!she ish ohh goshh cute , euu ken c her face in mye aunts blogg, she has tons of falisha's pichas, she's adorable,c-rious, i shall take pichas of her && wimme, soooooooooooooooon! she's 1 years old!wow! hehe, wen i reach,i was totally in shock mode, dere were shoo manie peepo, dey were mye uncle's fwen, it was nort lyk a birthdae party, it was moe lyk a jamming session,c-rious, dey were plaein idk larhhh watts d name, it was fun,mmiie n mye aunt syasya wanted 2 try,bt, shy larhh,got shoo manie of mye uncle fwensh,even uncle we went home, dey were still arnd,itatin ,haha, dere were lyk 2 diff room wit manie peepo inside, 1 was lyk d babysitter room wit mye aunt pure seduction in it, d other were d mummies n daddies,we cal it d 'old peepo' room,hehe actually nort all dat all larhh, miie,abg(uncle qam) && adq(aunt syasya) wen 2 d shopp,we were ohh goshh bored, i bought bubble tea n d coke mumy ask 2 buy, den we wen under diz block n sit arnd, mye uncle did a lil shuffle n jumpstyle,i din take ani video,toopid, we took pichas,den we wen baq 2 d hse, miie n syasya,wen 2 d 'old peepo' room we were lughing n tokin2, 1 ting bout ush was dat,wen dere were manie food,nobody wanted 2 eat, wen dere were a lil left,everybody wanted 2 eat, wateve left was taken by ush in d 'old peepo' room everybody was laudhing2,den wen kak nora(aunt) came into d room 2 giv d cake d whole fam in d 'old peepo'room shout,she was in shock mode ferr awhile,haha we watch manja lara+eatin wateve was arnd, den d adults wen on bout ps3,haha dey were lyk saein,eu buy d guitar,u buy d drum,u buy d mic,all put @ mye hse wen wan 2 plae make app,toopid,haha funnylarhhh,downstair ar sum pichas, ayu rawrrawr(: balloon ferr birthdaegerl(: while findin birthdae presnt ferr birthdae gerl; in d bus otw baq hm fom sumwher
gimme d chocs & nobody gets hurt,hehe; ayu&&syasya(: ; ayu&&umi(qam xtra);Labels: falisha birthdae
Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 9:23 PM
2e5 NE trail..
2e5 NE trail; ush @ Chinese Heritage Centre; hou tian wit d uncle @ Jurong Fishery Port(:
pockypocky(: ;ayu&&huiru(: ayu&&bella,d famous loudspeaker,hehe(: AYUrawrrawr && ZANAwalewale(: ekk ohh bloggie kush(: sowie ferr nort been updatin,been lazy luhh, been out,been rottin,shoo manie been larhh, but 1 ting ferr sure,MYE LAPPY STILL ATTITUDE 2 D MAX! attitude pa joyy,tkmo attitude2 arhh joyy, kaekaes enuf ayu enuf, blast keblakanglarhhhhh, blasting 2 d past joyy....!
boooooooooooooooooooooooooom! jyeah, ^270509^ kaes,we had our NE trail euu noe euu noe,NE,alermak,tkkan euu dk, NE=national education larhh aiyoyo,inadeyy, kaekaes,we went 2 d boon lay market 1st,had our breakfast, b.c saed it has sumting 2 do wit dat place history lyk dat,bt weali idk wat, i drank milo peng,hehe,&& ate mye wantwant, dey ar shoo addictive euu noe,haha den we went to Jurong Fishery port, it was abit eewwwwwwwwww situation,bt face it, sum chinese were abit,i dunch wanna sae, kae,smting bad appen,hamid fell!omg ryte,we lose one member fom our group d bb teacher sent hym home usin hys car,lucky hym, ouh yeah,btw,HOU TIAN carried mye bag through out d trail shweet kan kan kan,hehe, it was nyce of hym, we bwin our hp,took abit of pichas, den we went on 2 d Chinese Heritage centre, ohh peck lin was dere, we wen 2 d washroom 1st,2 wash up,freshen up,upupup larhh,hees den we took sum pichas,ohh peck lin was dere,we din even realise,OHH GOSHHH she saed i will wit diz handphone matter ltr,wen she went out,she tok 2 b.c, b.c xplain,haha,tooopid,we were nort in d wrong,haha we went arnd d displays,it was nyce,we plaed hide&&seek,hehe, we were runnin arnd findin our grp members,haha, i was grp wit huiru,johan,hamid n hou tian hou tian was our group leader, initially i wasnt in any group as i was juz discharged,again, mdm was lyk angry luhh,she saed she put miie in a group oweady,bt nobody took notice, if hamid din ask miie 2 join hys group i wld hav 2 b wit dat b.c, shadd awat, den we went 2 d kranji defence line tingy wich was noting much, den off 2 d mosque! we had a tour in it,den we finish up our booklet && had currypuffs,hehe pretty much lyk dat oni i guess, BubByEbLogGIe!(:
Labels: boooooom 2 d past
Thursday, June 18, 2009 @ 9:28 PM
ekk ohh(: well,diz ish bout wat appen on 090609, kae i noe,dis was along tym ago,but,i wanna tok bout it, on dis date we celebrated, 'LINAAA E.P' BIRTHDAE; d birthdae gerl,aint she cute peepo(: d cake blow was designed by AYU,ZANA,MAN&&MUSH, kae,i noe its nort nyce,bt it was d 1st tym we did it, im sowie its nort nyce LINAAA,): ayu rawrrawr was attacked!huh!:S ush eatin cake,duhh, huhu,im nort in d picha): snappy;  d last piece of cake was ferr linaaa(: LINAAA!wth!she got nike shoe ! wich was bloody damn nyce!huh! mush huek huek; birthdae gerl(: man tebiat(: huhu,ken u c miie?heees:D ice-cream!ice-cream!wooohoooo! bloodscrew(: f om tall 2 short,huh! awwwwww,shoo shweet; AYUrawrrawr ;AYUChupaPop! ayurawrrawr; ush @ green park; linaaa,ayu,man; giv her a lolli&&she wont do dat(:     weeeeeeeeeeee~!      kaes,lets strt fom d beginnin, on dat dae,man && zana had shwimmin, mush told miie dat we were mittin @ 12, i reach arnd 12,bt noe wat?nobody was arnd,shit!dey rech bout 4omins ltr, shadd or watt, mush reached 1st,we wen arnd jp,lookin @ cakes, den we met up wit man&&zana, we wen baq inside jp, sumting FUCKTARD APPEN, I FELL @ D ESCALATOR, wth,malumalu, i slide down summoe,haha, kaes,it was pain bt i was laughing,haha mye fwensh were in shock mode,oni d lady infront ask if i was okae, huhu,drop mye water face oni,hha den we wen 2 design d cake, we dinhav experienced,shoo it look bad, huhu,but we were tryin,we were shoutin,&&laughin,lyk crazy peepo, haha,bewi funny,den we wen 2 eat mac b4 mitti linaaa, we were eatin,bt moe lyk Laughin,we were laughing lyk hell,we were d attention, den we met up wit LINAAAAAA!(: we head off 2 westcoastpark, we took 30,huhu,we were makin noise in d bus, wen we reach,we had 2 walk a long distance, whoa,tired,den we find a place 2 sit, kaesss,i love puttin cake on peepo,shoo i did,hheehe, we had fun, den off 2 mac,linaaa wanted 2eat, den we wen 2 green park,bt zana wen home, den mush wen home, shoo left miie,man n linaaa, we plaed,n laugh n laugh, it was great hell, heeeeeeeeees(: im rushin ferr tym,bubbye!(: Labels: linaaa birthdae
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 @ 2:32 AM
birthdae luhhs(:
ekk ohh bloggie!(: i mished euu,did euu mish miie?well u better kaes(: we oweady blast shooo much,well euu noe miie, i love blasting arnd,hehe nw,we're blasting 2 'NADINE FALISHA' 1 year old birthdae!(: (wich was celebrated on 060609) (i din get 2 sing ferr her bdae song shooo) happy birthdae 2 euu, happy birthdae 2 euu, happy birthdae 2 FALISHA happy birthdae 2 euu; wen i reach,d birthdae gerl was nort in mood, i din take ani pichas of her,how dumb of miie, man!she ish ohh goshh cute , euu ken c her face in mye aunts blogg, she has tons of falisha's pichas, she's adorable,c-rious, i shall take pichas of her && wimme, soooooooooooooooon! she's 1 years old!wow! hehe, wen i reach,i was totally in shock mode, dere were shoo manie peepo, dey were mye uncle's fwen, it was nort lyk a birthdae party, it was moe lyk a jamming session,c-rious, dey were plaein idk larhhh watts d name, it was fun,mmiie n mye aunt syasya wanted 2 try,bt, shy larhh,got shoo manie of mye uncle fwensh,even uncle we went home, dey were still arnd,itatin ,haha, dere were lyk 2 diff room wit manie peepo inside, 1 was lyk d babysitter room wit mye aunt pure seduction in it, d other were d mummies n daddies,we cal it d 'old peepo' room,hehe actually nort all dat all larhh, miie,abg(uncle qam) && adq(aunt syasya) wen 2 d shopp,we were ohh goshh bored, i bought bubble tea n d coke mumy ask 2 buy, den we wen under diz block n sit arnd, mye uncle did a lil shuffle n jumpstyle,i din take ani video,toopid, we took pichas,den we wen baq 2 d hse, miie n syasya,wen 2 d 'old peepo' room we were lughing n tokin2, 1 ting bout ush was dat,wen dere were manie food,nobody wanted 2 eat, wen dere were a lil left,everybody wanted 2 eat, wateve left was taken by ush in d 'old peepo' room everybody was laudhing2,den wen kak nora(aunt) came into d room 2 giv d cake d whole fam in d 'old peepo'room shout,she was in shock mode ferr awhile,haha we watch manja lara+eatin wateve was arnd, den d adults wen on bout ps3,haha dey were lyk saein,eu buy d guitar,u buy d drum,u buy d mic,all put @ mye hse wen wan 2 plae make app,toopid,haha funnylarhhh,downstair ar sum pichas, ayu rawrrawr(: balloon ferr birthdaegerl(: while findin birthdae presnt ferr birthdae gerl; in d bus otw baq hm fom sumwher
gimme d chocs & nobody gets hurt,hehe; ayu&&syasya(: ; ayu&&umi(qam xtra);Labels: falisha birthdae
Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 9:23 PM
2e5 NE trail..
2e5 NE trail; ush @ Chinese Heritage Centre; hou tian wit d uncle @ Jurong Fishery Port(:
pockypocky(: ;ayu&&huiru(: ayu&&bella,d famous loudspeaker,hehe(: AYUrawrrawr && ZANAwalewale(: ekk ohh bloggie kush(: sowie ferr nort been updatin,been lazy luhh, been out,been rottin,shoo manie been larhh, but 1 ting ferr sure,MYE LAPPY STILL ATTITUDE 2 D MAX! attitude pa joyy,tkmo attitude2 arhh joyy, kaekaes enuf ayu enuf, blast keblakanglarhhhhh, blasting 2 d past joyy....!
boooooooooooooooooooooooooom! jyeah, ^270509^ kaes,we had our NE trail euu noe euu noe,NE,alermak,tkkan euu dk, NE=national education larhh aiyoyo,inadeyy, kaekaes,we went 2 d boon lay market 1st,had our breakfast, b.c saed it has sumting 2 do wit dat place history lyk dat,bt weali idk wat, i drank milo peng,hehe,&& ate mye wantwant, dey ar shoo addictive euu noe,haha den we went to Jurong Fishery port, it was abit eewwwwwwwwww situation,bt face it, sum chinese were abit,i dunch wanna sae, kae,smting bad appen,hamid fell!omg ryte,we lose one member fom our group d bb teacher sent hym home usin hys car,lucky hym, ouh yeah,btw,HOU TIAN carried mye bag through out d trail shweet kan kan kan,hehe, it was nyce of hym, we bwin our hp,took abit of pichas, den we went on 2 d Chinese Heritage centre, ohh peck lin was dere, we wen 2 d washroom 1st,2 wash up,freshen up,upupup larhh,hees den we took sum pichas,ohh peck lin was dere,we din even realise,OHH GOSHHH she saed i will wit diz handphone matter ltr,wen she went out,she tok 2 b.c, b.c xplain,haha,tooopid,we were nort in d wrong,haha we went arnd d displays,it was nyce,we plaed hide&&seek,hehe, we were runnin arnd findin our grp members,haha, i was grp wit huiru,johan,hamid n hou tian hou tian was our group leader, initially i wasnt in any group as i was juz discharged,again, mdm was lyk angry luhh,she saed she put miie in a group oweady,bt nobody took notice, if hamid din ask miie 2 join hys group i wld hav 2 b wit dat b.c, shadd awat, den we went 2 d kranji defence line tingy wich was noting much, den off 2 d mosque! we had a tour in it,den we finish up our booklet && had currypuffs,hehe pretty much lyk dat oni i guess, BubByEbLogGIe!(:
Labels: boooooom 2 d past
ur one and only
chica gone loca{:
klutz.shy.loud.uniquely weird.
my status aint your concern kaes ?:D