Thursday, September 24, 2009 @ 4:40 PM
hello!arent you sleeping?
Its early morning and i am still not asleep,
i cant sleep lurh,idk why.
Since idk what to say,lets boooooooom!
Went to school with Zana haney as usual,
its our daily routine people.
We talked all the way to school about Hari Raya.
Todays lesson was okae,i think?
Well,after school,i waited for my daughters and cucu.huhu
im so young and i have granddaughter.:D
They had oral.
I was like having a marathon,cheyy no larhh,
more like playing catching with iyad,
running around and around and around.
Had a short practise for Lit project.
Than i continued doing Geo,i was
choosen for bookcheck,so sway!
Some pages i left blank,idk howta do larhh.
Than we went to library,
saw MR FADHIR!(:
i asked him to teach and he teached untill 8++ pm,
hunney sent me home,i was damn jealous larh
other people are jalan raya-ing,
and im in school u,huh!my dad also OT.
Had oral!
I was superh anxious,but it turned out okae.
My reading was horrible,i forgotten to bring my specs!
We went to seven-eleven,to buy lunch,
its a great thing they build it there as it is nearer to school,
popular punya,just now only,
full of JWSS students.
i was quite confident during the
conversation and picture discussion,
i could make an essay with what i said,serious.
Hunney,Babygerl,cucu waited for me and Zana Haney,
While H.B.O was waiting for Iraa.
Went to library...blablablaa,
something happened!
ahha,it remains a secret.shhhhhh.
Hunney keep pestering me about being SEPET .
and he saes i got whiskers{?}
i did have compliments people saying i look or act ike cat,
but really mehh?idk,
kae,i havent do home ec and im gonna die!
For all i care,DETENTION ONLY.
I wonder hows today gonna be like.
hmmph,we shall seee.
Labels: boredybored
@ 5:19 AM
no sleep till broklyn
heyy humans,
im just bored okae{?}
kae,lets plan for today,
well,now is 0508am,hmmph,after granddaddy shower,
imma go next,get ready,clean my beg,
maybe either call hunney or Zana Haney.
Go to school,idk hunney goin with me anot,
but ZanA haney said meet at interchange.
Kae i didnt sleep,so,idk if i can survive in class today.
I wanna go home early ,
but evrytime i plan ,i will go home late,
in school u,wth?people are probably sleeping n im in school u?
and ive been making hunney go home lae also,
sorry hunney;
its hard being with me.haiish .
kae im off now,i need a 5 minutes nap,
Labels: argh
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 @ 1:40 AM
Set me free.Let me fly.
Fly away from all the problems.
Fly away from everything.
Let the wind take away my worries,my fears,
my hatred life.
Fly to a place where nothing matters.
You can be who you want,
act how you want.
Nothing matters.
Happiness is the key word.
Where nobody knows me.
Where everything seems beautiful.
Nothings wrong,everythings right.
Everthing has a solution.
Everybodys ready to help.
A smile,it can brighten up a dark,sorrow soul.
A friend who doesnt care if you're not perfect,
who'll be there for you in rain or shine,
the one who never gets tired of listening to your daily stories,
the one who is always there to bring you
up when you're down.
Never behind but beside.
A place where theres no worries.
Living life to the fullest everyday.
Enjoying every moment,every minute , every second of life.
Watching the earth greeted by the sun,
may it be sunset or sun rise.
Hearing the bird sings,the waves crash.
The wind blowing through your hair.
The stars shine above,the flowers bloom.
No worries.
No doubts.
No unwanted compliments,only sincere ones.
Ohh! take me to that place.
I want peace,i want to be happy.
Always thought if there was a such place.
Imagination,wow,it makes you wonder.
Labels: what was that?
@ 12:20 AM
hari raya aidilfitri minal aidil walfaizin
Hello people!(:
Hmmph,sorry for not updating for a long time.
Been busy,huhu.(cam phm aja)
Well,today is like the , waitwait , let me count,
OUHOUH!the fourth day of RAYA .
Hmmph,i only went out on the first two days.
Lets boooooooom!
We woke,get ready,
than we headed for grandmummy home.
Before that we headed for the petrol station,
grandmummy asked to buy ice.
When we reach,there was food awaiting!
ayam masak merah,ketupat...etc
There was also my favourite kueh!
Cornflakes and sarang semut!
We had to wait for double d.
On the way on the way,but,
my family is already used to that line,
on the way on the way but no way.
This is what we call,'janji melayu',
my daddy say my family is 'janji british'.
huhu,cam paham larhh kan.
We waited for a long time of period until we decide
to go to my grandmothers sister house,which
was quite near by,unfortunately,there was nobody.
My leg started hurting,so,my fam went to the seven-eleven nearby,
and i bought a box of plasters!
My dear feet were in darn pain!
Good thing i never buy the 5 inch one,if not,i think,
i would have taken out my shoe and walk bare footed.
The reason i didnt want to buy slipper or a short inch one is because i dont want
my family to call me 'minah reb' again.
Kaekae,daespite the pain,i am happy!
why?because i feel TALL!
thankiieu heels!
When they reach liao,we took pichas what so ever.
Than we were off to jalan bersih,which was near sungai road,
which was near bugis,which was,
kae,im outta which was.
There were already many people there,
but sadly my picha buddy no around.
My picha buddy is my aunt who is 15 this year,syasya.
Young right?Beautiful indeed.
She and her brother Qam,followed their father to dk where.
But when they came back,we took some pichas.
Falisha was cute,she was wearing cheongsam as there was no size for her
i mean her baju kurung.She dirtied her dress when she wouldnt stop eating cake.
In total,she changed 3 times that day.
Off to Yishun,than i forget where we went......
ouhouh!we went home,
just to change,a quick one,cant even rest for awhile.
We were off to S'pore.
There was Motorshow;SuperImportNight.
I saw my DREAM car!DAMN PAPI!
than we went to John Little Mega Sale,mummy bought some stuffs,
Than daddy drove to WestCOast,but the hawker center was close,so sway!
Terpakse pergi KFC.
When we were walking from the carpark,we saw many family,
they were like staring at us,huhu,
Hari Raya and we eatin kfc and wearing casual clothes.
ouh yarh!i accidently bang my phone when i slam the car door!
im so so so sorry handphone,
hunney jacket was long,i didnt realise it was still hanging outside.
Wow,my mummy knows already,my aunt , my uncle,
his fam toooo!WOAH...
We went to grandmummy house,again.
There were already many visitors when we reached.
I was shock,but i gotta admit,i was impress by the way i look on this particular day.
Kae,i admit guilty that i ate the cornflakes and sarang semut till finish.
But i couldnt resist!It was so tempting!
Took more pichas,seriously,today,
i took alot of pichas,but since my lappy attitude,
i cant upload them!huh!
Today im wearing pink.
I realise that this year many family are wearing pink.
Mye picha buddy came!
more picha for us!
We went to kak ayu house around noon.
cool,she has the same name,but her full name is nicer than mine,
hers= Jafmai idayuwati
mine=Siti Norhidayu
hers is like more unique right?it has the combination of her parents name.
My great-grandmummy and aunttook me daddys car,so me and the rest
had to take bus,no act,
we took bus,mrt,bus,lift.
yuppyupp,thats it.
We even lost our way-.-
There were like 13 of us.
Tanlin Halt to Senkang.
We took 1 and a half hr.
Me and syasya shared food,huhu,we love each other tooomuch larh,hahs
we had 3 rounds,we tambah 3 kali,3 ke 2,somewhere there larhh hah,
We were very bloated.
Than daddy sent grandmummy and aunt home,
we went home,tomorrow schooling larhh deyy,
woah,im gonna miss my picha buddy!
Labels: pichas
Monday, September 21, 2009 @ 1:47 AM
short and shweet
hello people(:
sorry for not updating for a long time.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Minal Aidil Walfaizin
to all my friends and family and
those who knows me!(:
well.im now at grannys home.
I took alott of pichas and shall upload soon.
sorry for not updating for a long time.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Minal Aidil Walfaizin
to all my friends and family and
those who knows me!(:
well.im now at grannys home.
I took alott of pichas and shall upload soon.
Labels: heees:DD
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 @ 11:48 PM
patheticpathetic dae peepo:(
too sad to be true.
im sad.):Aint that obvious{?}
Too many thangs running in my mind.One problem after another.
Stop it problems!I aint inviting you guys!
Go away!shooooooooo!Play farfar!
huh,ayu stress-.-
lets start todays story okae humans{?}
Well,ayu did something,something damn bloody wrong.
I shall not elaborate and i shall forget about it.
Anybody ask,idk anything.
Dont bother asking.
Because of this i feel wrong and veryvery restless.
I thought i wanted time out.
But,the minute the time out begin,i couldnt bare of thinking,
i cant stand 3 days not contact-ing him.
Thats like,
Thats long okae.I tried to take back what i said,
but you want it to be saturday kan.
I tried to pujuk you,but you prangai kan.
I got pissed off.Whatever you want larhh ye.
Went to comp lab with zana,man,eana,khai,......etc
still feeling fucktard.
Went down,sat down wimme fam,than we 'borakborak'
I seriously couldnt take it,if its until saturday that you want,than wth,fine.
Suddenly you approach me and starts pinching me.
Than i did something,but i forgotten what.
You were pissed off than.
I tried talking to you,tpi you like cam mls nk lyn.
What can i do.Out of the school already,
i couldnt leave,i felt wrong,
i went back in,to talk to you,but the you replied,huh,sickening.
my green monster{?}
huh,fine!i know im wrong.
But i didnt say you couldnt talk right{?}
Tak suke my green monster {?}
Jangan amek tawu,its in me,i know i get jealous easily,
but im trying my best not to.
Like i say,It aint easy,but im working on it.
I got many projects not done yet.IDK wat to do now.
My taps,huh,locked,cant close it.
Lets look on th brighter side;
BLOODS not spliting!(:
kucinta mereka!(:
Zana walewale;bloods spade
Linaaevansparker;bloods diamond
EmanExtreme;bloods joker
Mushhuekhuek;bloods star
and me!(:
AYUrawrrawr;bloods heart.
5 only,not more,not less.
My family,getting bigger!(:
I mean The Dylan Family.huhu
Jyeah,ilove everyone!(:
eykeyk!ayu baru prasan uhh!
Hari Raya coming!
Hari Raya!(:
persiapan da siap lom gang{?}
wahh,da tak sabar uhh member.
Hmmph,afew days left to go peepo.
btw,kan kan kan,
ferr trying and cheering me up(:
adios amigos!(:
Labels: im feeling sad:(
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 @ 4:29 AM
staein strong and positive
weii gang,im confuse lurhh
(insert name) is making me sad.Damn sad.
You and Iyad have a problem,me and Zana jadi mangse{?}
apa niie weii{?}
Gua bkn apahal,frust mennoggeng gua pkirkan hal lu org.
cheydebah,ayu da ayu,jgn ual cam gytu agyk,
insyaallah,tk promise ye,
I know you hate him that much.That bloody damn much.
I cant force to you forgive him,i know.
But you also have to know,that everything must come to an end.
I hate seeing you two like this.
When are you two gonna
accept th fact that both of you are in my life
and i love you both.
as a brother and as my hunney.
man,i love you as my bro,you should know that.
I'll never forget what you did for me.
You were the one who waited for me at the interchange after i broke up with 'him'.
I couldnt walk alone,as im not use to it.
Almost everyday you waited,and you always sacrifice for me.
I wont foorget that.
But as much as you hate Iyad,stop the comments.
You are saying sorry,but you are and were making stories of him.
I dont know if its the truth or not.
But also bad stuffs about him.
But i wont and cant forget that you were the one who made us.
im thankfull to you.
But its making me sick,when he is not doing anything to you or
say anything to you and you're trying to 'hit him' indirectly.
Its getting old.
I cant take it.
Why suddenly the topic that has something to do with 'ilahbeylo'
has to come up,after you being okae with him{?}
After you made us together{?}
Its shocking.
I tried to ingnore the fact that you hate him but,
you 'hitting him' indirectly{?}
hmmph,too much perhaps{?}
Im not unreasonable,im being fair,to both parties.
You're saying that Zana and me replace you with iyad{?}
haiish brother,you're my bloods,and that will stay that.
5 only , not more , not less .
Nobody,and i mean N.O.B.O.D.Y,
can be my Leman Extreme except you.
My brother,my joker.
NOBODY can replace you.
put that in you head kaes bro{?}
Ayu nanak gado ngn man.
And i dont want BLOODS to split.
im sorry if i did anything wrong,
if i hurt you,
AYUrawrrawr says;
i want peace,i just want a happy life.
i know its hard,but he was the one who made us,remember that.
I was a stranger to you back than,
without him,i dont think we'll be together.
No matter what he did,i take him as my brother.
Please understand my situation.
Im not siding him nor am i siding you,
like i say,i mean type,
i just want peace,i just want a happy life
All this is important to me.
I have enough people hating me,
i wanna make changes.
Not repeating history,again.
zana haney;
im sorry i got you involve in my problem haney,
im really sorry.
i love you scandal;
ima just tryna chill and think .
im confuse .
my rollercoaster bumps and twirls are getting harder.
It aint easy,but im workin on it.
Until than,
cherios amigos;
Labels: a weii, bila mau game niie member
Saturday, September 12, 2009 @ 10:19 PM
where my scandals at
i pass my first-aid examination!
(kae,actually,everybody passed,but im still happy!)
ouh im gonna miss that dummy we've been doing CPR on,
i said bubbye to that dummy!(:
3 days of that dummy,now i can and i know how to do CPR!
a.k.a the kiss of life,hehe:D
And,for the exam,i didnt say 'hellohello,are you awake'
and Nisa didnt say 'hellohello,wake up'
(chuckling non-stop+rollingrolling)
We managed to say 'hellohello,are you okae?' together.
The reason why she said 'hellohello, wake up'
is that,i know she was sleepy,cos i was feeling the same thing.
The reason why i said 'hellohello,are you wake'
was,i kept pestering Nisa when she said it wrongly,
when it was my turn,i was superh kanchong so i mixed up both
'hellohello, are you okae' and 'hellohello,wake up'
huhu,how embarassing.-.-
The first and second day was okae,
both days we finish earlier than 6pm,
the first day,ayu and nisa when to library,met up with biefie.
the second day,ayu nisa and raimi,biefie couldnt make it,
third day was superh kanchong day for me,as i didnt study much the night before,
biefie kept asking me to go and sleep,which i protest but eventually i fell asleep.
I was late also,he made me late!nhottynhotty.
I thought i was gonna fail my exam but i passed
ayu,nisa and raimi went to library,
hot mahh,i want air-con,
We saw mr. fadhir!(:
i use his laptop,i used paint,i wrote something on it,and he saved,
idk if he is gonne put on facebook,hope not,
buat malu ayu je nanti.paisey taus,
Than i realise nisa kept mcg-ing biefie,
i wanted to know what,but she didnt want to tell me,
than teacher wanted to go,so the 3 ladies went down to 2nd floor
to where our bags were,left in the middle of the way,like nobodies buisness,
than i saw biefie,nisa's so called 'suprise'
we talktalk,we slacked,we laugh,till i couldnt stop,
we were talking about BL, and SBBL,
i couldnt stop laughing,koyak haha,sakit perh,hahahs
you know i know peepo,
ouh yarh for all 3 days,he sent me to school,not all larh actually,
thursday,and saturday he send me to school and send me home.
somebody saw my true colour,ahahaha,
thats nothing yet you know.
This is all for the past few days,continu-ing with today,
currently,watching my daddy play game on XBOX,
just now watched p'mouth vs bolton,it was a tie,2-2,
i slept around 2+am ytd,i was cleaning my room lurh,
i've finally move the big tv out of my room,i mean me and my bro's room,
more space to golekgolek!wooohoo!
now,im siap-ing to send my bro go swimming,
later going JB,with granny.
i miss my scandals!(:
both of em!
scandals,wher are you?
cant wait till tomorrow,i can see everybody!
Labels: true colours
Tuesday, September 8, 2009 @ 7:45 AM
im still hurt
i realise now,that i am still angry,
you said sorry to zana,
but not to me,you hurt me more than you hurt zana,
damn fuck,im sorry to what i said,huh,
your words,fuyoh,menusuk hati/jiwe.
and again im sorry.
Labels: fuyoh
@ 6:36 AM
tuesdae fun
waddup people{?}
woke up arnd 7++,
i was superh excited about meeting th sec 1.
I thought i was gonna be late,
but,i was th earliest among all,
than sulaiman reach,after that aisyah,
10 to 15 mins later,one after another they reach,
azira and bro,hunney,hamid,shairul was th 'earliest',huh
went to library straight away,around 5 min to 12pm,
Ayu,aisyah,Iraa and bro,hunney headed off for school,
Sec 1s,Linaa , Zana and Tika was waiting for us ,
haha,i pity them,
the sec 1s looked ( insert word).
all(insert two words).
i ask them to sit,nicely some more,they dont want,
i ask them to sit because i was tired lurhh,
settle sitting down kan more fun.
TALKED to her,
Didnt say much,i was lazy to think,huhu
i talked nicely,good thing know,
you guys havent seen th worst of me yet,lucky you.
seriously i felt as if i was (insert 3 words).
Than headed off for JP.
Aisyah wanted to buy LOVE DRUNK ALBUM.
i bought things at popular also,than linaa bought something at HARRIS.
Than i bought cookie!i wasnt fasting,
you know i know why,heh
Than go back lib,since Hamid,Shairul and Man was noisy.
Sec 1s were also at th library,
We took pichas,which i had none of em,
Than we sat at the back staircase of the library to practise for music,
for awhile,i felt like we had 'our' own lepak place and i felt like idk larhh
howta explain.
I got fed up with (insert name) and (insert name).
Than we were bored at library cause we cant make noise,
so headded for art park,some were busy dancing,some were playing with fire
some were busy emo-ing.(under th block)
Than we bram from there as there was a man who kept staring at us,
maybe because most of us werent fastng,including th guys,
We went to a playground,played with fire and dance-ed,
than had a 'quarrel' about who was going to bring what home,
nobody wanted to bring home th board,i had to ,
had a quarrel with hamid,not really a quarrel,a funnyfunny situation,
hunney ran to th library as he needed th washroom,
we plaed and laugh and laugh,it was fun,superh fun,
for th 1st time ever this year i was called 'minah reb' again,
its been long since i was called with that name,
i tried to changr peepo,from 'minah reb' to 'ah lian' and ntg,
suddenly im called with that name again,
even my family stopped,not really,some still do call me that,
but majority,primary school friends{?}hmmph,not sure if they still calls me that.
Had FUN.than Zana wanted to go home,we went home about 0545pm,
but ayu,iyad and linaa went home around 0645pm,
because we saw (insert name!)!,huhu
Linaa is so OBSESSED people,
Hunney couldnt send me home as he himself was late,
i feel that as day by day pass,i am starting to feel closer to him
i feel as if the love is growing stronger.
i had a great time today.
Labels: coolness
Monday, September 7, 2009 @ 5:43 AM
monday blues
hello peepo!(:
how sad that i dont get to contact my bffe:(
anyway,HAPPY 1MNTH BFFE!(:
kaes,let's get back to the story.
i woke up feeling sleepy,duhh ayu duhh,
bath,then on my lappy,read biefie's blog,
saw somebodys tagg,blog hopped and saw something that was for me.
ohh-my-gee larhh,
i was called sundal,stupid idiot,eyh pompan{!},bodohhs,bdq yp,prangai bdk kechyk etc2..
woah,i was insulted peepo,
alaaa,wth,once in awhile,
ima settle it,TALK tomorrow anyway.
read th below,it was typed by hunney,tak caye{?}
check his blog ye,
this should be fun,
you don't ever call my girl this names
i'll give u a reason for every name
Eyh pompann [!]
she already know that she is a girl
eu stupid idiot !
stupid idiot pon, dier express perh
Bodohhs !
ako da ckp dier dari express kan ! ohh, kau shaa stubborn eh, lupe ah
i don't know, are you refering to yourself?
bdq YP
i don't know why u keep refering to yourself
memang dier babe perh ! kao jealous ke perh,
this is what you wanted
say it STRAIGHT tuh my face ayeeeee ?
don't worry,, she will
relaszx uhh babe !!!
erh, i can't grant that wish
aqu dha check naq suroh aqu ckp aper ?!" Ehh sorry , tady ie ACCIDENTALLY uhh check yourh bagg ... Sorry eyhh , taqmo marah ! "
that will be awesome if u can do it
you don't ever call my girl this names
i'll give u a reason for every name
Eyh pompann [!]
she already know that she is a girl
eu stupid idiot !
stupid idiot pon, dier express perh
Bodohhs !
ako da ckp dier dari express kan ! ohh, kau shaa stubborn eh, lupe ah
i don't know, are you refering to yourself?
bdq YP
i don't know why u keep refering to yourself
memang dier babe perh ! kao jealous ke perh,
this is what you wanted
say it STRAIGHT tuh my face ayeeeee ?
don't worry,, she will
relaszx uhh babe !!!
erh, i can't grant that wish
aqu dha check naq suroh aqu ckp aper ?!" Ehh sorry , tady ie ACCIDENTALLY uhh check yourh bagg ... Sorry eyhh , taqmo marah ! "
that will be awesome if u can do it
kaw diam
ok, but u diam with me ok ?
ok, but u diam with me ok ?
that was by him jyeah,i was laughing while reading,
i dont even know why act.hahs
this is originally adapted from http://izzy-punyadunia.blogspot.com/
tak happy or pape shit,through me eyy,
kaekae,saw what i saw on 'her' blog,
i called Zana immediately,
Decided to meet up with her immediately,
we siap then we went out at th same timing,
she was in the 243 behind th 187 i took,hahs
saw karqi,christel and joyce.
then met up with Hamid,Shairul.Iraa
Than took 198 to j.e,
we wanted to go to imm to go to Daiso,to buy stuffs,
We ended up half an hour late for class,
and left half an hour early,
huhu,it was a two hour session,
almost nobody was listening,so whats th point.
Went to meet up with Hambali.
than headed off for library.
Sec 1s were at th library,i tried to smile.
Man and Hunney had a quarrel,
inside th library,
hunney shouted,it was shoo loud dammit,
i was scared to stop him,
i cant do anything now,nothing would and could be resolve
no matter how i say or wateve larh,
no use trying anymore,
they hate each other,
what to do what to do,
sayonara peepo;
Labels: woah
Saturday, September 5, 2009 @ 1:33 AM
a dumbdumb thingy
humans,im bored,
a survey since im bored like hell,
1)Whats your full name?
~Siti Norhidayu
2)What does your friends/family calls you?
2)What does your friends/family calls you?
3)Whats your current status?
3)Whats your current status?
~in a realtionship larhh shayang.
4)How do you feel when someone calls you 'baby'?
4)How do you feel when someone calls you 'baby'?
~huhu,im used to it(:
5)How do you gat crazy with your friends?
5)How do you gat crazy with your friends?
~talk about toopid stuffs.Talk dirty:P
6)Where are your besties at?
7)Who do you want to see right now?
~zana haney<3
8)What are you doing right now?
8)What are you doing right now?
~doing you?idk
9)Do you miss anyone right now?
9)Do you miss anyone right now?
~jyeah,hunney,bloods,shawties,wher my peepos at?
10)Do you love anybody?
10)Do you love anybody?
~I love my hunney,I love th peepos who loves me(:
11)What do you want to say to th person you love right now?
~bluek:p iloveyou!(:
12)still schooling?
12)still schooling?
13)Do you love him?
~jyeah,loads,why?got a probby?
14)What are you listening to right now?
~obsessed by mariah carey
15)Can you name 13 people in your mind now?
1)izzy hunney
2)zana haney
3)mush ; my babygerl!
4)linaa ; step babygerl
11)shukri bffe
16)How many years you know no. 1?
~hmmph,idk act.
17)Do you have a crush with anyone up there?
~im attach 2 no. 1 larrh deyy.
18)What can you say about no.5?
~fun,dont like to get involve in things,goodgerl(:
19)How you got to know no.7?
~she's my aunt,how do i not know her?
20)Do you love no.10?
20)Do you love no.10?
~as my bro,why not?
21)How about no.13?
~of cosh!ilove her very much!(:
22)Do you hate no.8?
22)Do you hate no.8?
~no,we're family,nvr did and nvr will
23)Does no 12 wear specs?
~no,she has perfect eye sight.
24)Describe no.11?
~silent,my bestfriend!
25)Ever had a big quarrel with any of them?
~jyeah,quite a num .
26)Do you miss any of them?
27)Any of them unattach?
~im nort sure eyy-.-
28)Who is no.1 attach to?
~know anybody by th name AYUrawrrawr?yupp,attach to her!(:
~know anybody by th name AYUrawrrawr?yupp,attach to her!(:
29)What kind of specific colors best reflect your personality?
♥hmmph,i dont know,ouhouh! ROY G.BIV!(:
30)If you could be any animal, what would you be?
31)Your favorite flower is?
32)The first word which pops into your head when I say summer is?
33)Do you prefer to sing or dance?
34)The top two qualities you look for in a friend are?
♥always there and caring,i think.
35)What cartoon character is your favorite?
36)Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:
♥whos my favourite celebrity{?}
37)You witnessed a murder:
♥i think i will faint,without another word.
38)What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
♥chocolatte beybeh,
39)Last Person you talked on the phone with?
♥urgh{?} i dont rmbr.
40)Who/what are you thinking about now?
41)Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
♥hunney's jacket,ask him.
42)Why are you taking this survey?
♥im bored you dumbdumb
Labels: im bored larhh peepo
Friday, September 4, 2009 @ 10:18 PM
ekk ohh human race!(:
ayu kan kan kan,
want to announce something,
hmmph , where shall we start ye{?}
happy advance 2nd mnth hunney!(:
happy 2nd mnth 2 us,
happy 2nd mnth 2 us,
happy 2nd mnth 2 usss,
happy 2nd mnth 2 us,
hehe,hmmph,wishing it much early as im scared i cant wish on th dae itself,
maklomlarh,i no hp,kena cnfiscate by daddy,
toopid sec 5 guy got me into trouble,now i no hp,
pathetic much peepo{?}huhu,
Its shocking how he can tahan my gylerness,randomness,pekakness,potekkness,
and wateve ness moe.ouhouh!his jacket wimme!(:
its good that its wimme,shoo when im missing him,i have his jacket,
you know you know,th song t-shirt,
mye one special edition,jacket,instead of t-shirt.heee:D
SOWIE!for th scratches and marks and scars,
but you deserve it tooo you know!
you bully me!
you pinch me alot!
ayu gudgerl uhh,you nhotty!:P
and hmmph,sowie that you always ends up going home late hunney,
i say no nid send me home,you want,
haiishhaiish,dengil benar,
hope we last long okiies{?}
iloveyou hunns!(:
060709 jyeah!
ayu love izzy;
kaekae,next thang i wanna say is ......
happy 1st mnth bffe!(:
happy 1st mnth to us ,
happy 1st mnth 2 us,
happy 1st mnth 2 usss,
happy 1st mnth 2 us!
bffe!its our 1st mnth larhh!
thankiieu for always being there for me jyeah{?}
always being on my side and by my side,
and always cheering me up,
hope our friendship last long,
i know i still owe you bubblegum,
i give it to you soon okaes?
note that im always here for you kaes{?}
hehe,and sorry i bring you book home,
couldnt find you,
happyhappy selalu kaes bffe?
may our friendship last long okae{?}
iloveyou bffe!(:
i have great/wonderfool ass of
so get jealous.(:
Labels: cinta semua
@ 8:20 PM
no manners biatch
eyk gerl{!}
Do you have any freakin manners biatch{?}
Why you have to go check my Zana's beg{?}
if she doesnt want to show you what she did,
jangan bother larh sial,asal sebok sngt uhh?
being a biatch kan{?}
You have no bloody damn right to check her beg,
eyk,if she has anything missing from her beg,
are you gonna be responsible for it{?}
NO kan{?}
tangan gatal persh siaa,
nak jealous pon bertempat arh siaa,
Kau nak jealous pcl Zack apahal{?}
Zack ngn Zana are just ttm,
You should trust your lover,
check beg orang cam tk bersala gytu,
kau suka pa lau aku check beg kau{?}
Zana diam dosent mean u'll get away with it tau,
You'll have to settle with me,
kasi muke naek kepale kan,
Dont ever judge a book by its cover.
I remind you that,
Jangan nk prangaiprangai ngn aku,
Aku diamdiam,makin besar kan kepale,
IF you want to involve other peepo in this matter,
aku pon boleh,tpi ingt,
ape-ape terjadi pon,
aku tk bersala,zana tk bersala,
Aku cume tk puas hati.
I want your explanation.
From your own mouth,
and i wont be happy and let this to rest until
i get from you,
until than,
take care aytes?
Labels: dont b irritating to me
@ 8:31 AM
im back larhh peepo!
huhu,today had Red Cross training,
FUN!we played captains ball,
you know how long i havent played that game?
well,i actually also dont know,hehe
It was our bonding time,
Than we did BILLYBANJA(mind my spelling peepo)
It was okaelarh,but not LOUD enough!
shall shout louder next time.
biefie fetch me and sent me home.
Went to SYAA's homey after,
to do music project,
reached home around 11++,
i staright away GEDEBOOM,
i slept larhh,
i was tired know.
we panicked about our music project,
we met up at 2e5 staircase,
pracise abit,
swaysway i forgot to bring lyric,
good thang i rmbred th lyric,
we told teacher we needed one last practise , so we went outside,
but in th end,we were still not ready,
teacher gave us more time to do th project,
Iraa and Syaa played th guitar,
ayu sing and zana dance,
cool right?we had all,
We had inter-class floorball after school,
but before that we went to chamelon,me , zana and iraa i mean,
we wanted to buy headband,
it was hot peepo!
i was sub,despite not knowing how to play,hahs
zana and iraa also,
Our class came in 4th,
we aimed for top 3,
but what to do,
luck was not on our side,
nevermind,we had fun,
i had fun shouting and screaming,
must be supportive know peepo,
have sportsmanship,chaa,cam phm arh ayu,
i had a quarrel with biefie,
pathetic yaww,
but i manage to fast!
i didnt break my fast before time!
woah,ayu siaa,haha
went home alone,
because of two peepo conflict,im in th middle victim,haiyo!
when are you guys gonna settle the probby?
its killing me,
get it?
killing me,
had tution,
tiredtired also got tution,
what to do what to do,
my teacher keep telling me that im weird
even biefie says im weird.
i prefer to use th word unique,
well,its good to different right?
i dont want to be a copy-cater or a clone,
ayu no likey,:)
huhu,BFFE terbwk buku ayu home,
now i cannot write,alermak,hehe
Today went to school feeling down,
Had me peepos cheered me up
Had tllm home ec,
it was fun,
made meringue(mind spelling),
Iraa wrote H.B.O and IRA,
hehe,made ice-cream made sandwich also,
I had fun with Iraa,
I almost break fast,but i didnt,
sabar ayu sabar,
persevererance(mind spelling),
hehe,go ayu go ayu!
i can do it!i can do it!
didnt even eat nor drink anything in th morning,
hehe,i manage to tahan till 7++,
Had Red cross training,
it was tiring,
we were having physical fitness thingy,
to tain for next year when we become NCO.
Tiring but,okae,we need to build muscles right?heheehe
Than we had rest for awhile,
after that we had FOOTDRILL!
Nco's are training us,to pick th ones who can make it for FDC.
well,i made it to th draft squad of FDC,
best know FDC,
biefie sent me home,
i went home with Mush also.
Mye babygerl!heees:D
Buke straight away,
i showered,than i relaxed,
called biefie for awhile,
than mummy asked me to eat,i had no mood to eat,
i dont even know why,even break fast just now,i ate a slice of bread.
Mummy said tomorrow im going to rebond!
yeah!ive been waiting for th longest time.
Today i terbwk mye BFFE book home,aiyo!
i didnt saw him,how to pass to him back?
Labels: boomed
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 @ 1:58 AM
heyy,im so not in th mood,
i feel hopeless,useless,unloved.
everything is wrong,everything is my bloody fucking fault.
im tired of everything.
i cant trust anybody,not even myself.
im strting to hate myself.
my taps are not working,
water keeps running out.
i have nothing much to say.
Labels: hating me