Saturday, February 27, 2010 @ 10:02 AM
where's love gone to ?
my hunney is missing !
(ohhh my fuck !)
Ayu just discharge today.
Not gonna elaborate.
go clickclick.
Ayu cried watching titanic.
Touching mahhhh,and ayu miss her hunney.
like, effffin badly larhh.
(but who cares right ? )
Ayu still in pain and i get dizzy when i walk
far distance. wth ?
Sumpah ayu no mood to do anything.
I dont even wanna eat or drink.
gooooooooooooooooo diedie~!
Ayu officially lost her mind.
That pantat gonna get it.
(ohhh my fuck !)
Ayu just discharge today.
Not gonna elaborate.
go clickclick.
Ayu cried watching titanic.
Touching mahhhh,and ayu miss her hunney.
like, effffin badly larhh.
(but who cares right ? )
Ayu still in pain and i get dizzy when i walk
far distance. wth ?
Sumpah ayu no mood to do anything.
I dont even wanna eat or drink.
gooooooooooooooooo diedie~!
Ayu officially lost her mind.
That pantat gonna get it.
Labels: shall i call th police ?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 @ 2:02 AM
my hawtstuff , not yours !
peek-a-booooo !:)))
Siti Norhidayu loves Izdiyad v. muchmuch !:D
Soo,basically,ayu never go to school today and
ayu dragged hunney along with her.
Well,i'm admitting tomorrow and i want to
spend time with my hunney,so jyeah.
Father was like asking me why i didnt want
to go to school,i kept quiet.huhu.
than mummeh said ' sukesuke hati dier je
nak pegy sekolah ke tk , ' laughlaughlaugh. Kaekae,
i know you tak faham,it's an inside joke,
you wouldnt understand :DD .
Woke up as per usual,and waited for hunney.
Ayu was superr lazy,open closet,
lazy to thinkthink,so ayu just pakai tube,shorts
and hunney's jacket.
Ayu had to rushrush as stupid 30 came full!
Pantat sq !
suddenly nawi th 3O ketot ! dumbdumb betul,
Ikaa and qayyum have been asking me to go
to school,but i didnt in th end,i'm soo sorry.
Zana was waiting for me kat inter,as i needed
to pass hers and casey's work.If not they mati.
So ayu had to take 246 and had to drop off at
lakeside,then naek 180.Lembab betul bus !
Qayyum called me,asking where i was.huhu.
I was sooooo suprise to see Zana with Man,Evelyn,
qayyum and DY !I thought it was only Zana.
Well,i'm gonna miss them ? jyeah.
Had breakfast with hunney at kfc near my crib ?
somewhere there larhh huh.
Than we sitsit at my block,ayu lupe bwk keys !
fuck ayu fuck !
bodoh betul ayu niie,
Than we went to buy bbt,hunney bought lemon ice blend
which was very lemoney !huhu,but hunney liked it :D
I bought strawberry milk tea,more ice! :DDD
Than we lepak-ed again,i had fun.
We made a new game ! using straw !
Ask me how its played and i'll show you !:)))))
But must ask my hunney also lurhh,
I love my hunney !:DD
Send hunney home and 198-ed to tanglin.
People who wished me luck;
nisa scandal ! ilyvm
zana haney ;
ikaa sayang;
thankiieu people !
ayu tak ingt lagy who;
sorry if i've missed out your name.
Well,my lappy broke my heart and now i dont want
to go for that op !
What am i suppose to do in th hosp ? arghh!
text me ! keep me accompanied !
Siti Norhidayu loves Izdiyad v. muchmuch !:D
Soo,basically,ayu never go to school today and
ayu dragged hunney along with her.
Well,i'm admitting tomorrow and i want to
spend time with my hunney,so jyeah.
Father was like asking me why i didnt want
to go to school,i kept quiet.huhu.
than mummeh said ' sukesuke hati dier je
nak pegy sekolah ke tk , ' laughlaughlaugh. Kaekae,
i know you tak faham,it's an inside joke,
you wouldnt understand :DD .
Woke up as per usual,and waited for hunney.
Ayu was superr lazy,open closet,
lazy to thinkthink,so ayu just pakai tube,shorts
and hunney's jacket.
Ayu had to rushrush as stupid 30 came full!
Pantat sq !
suddenly nawi th 3O ketot ! dumbdumb betul,
Ikaa and qayyum have been asking me to go
to school,but i didnt in th end,i'm soo sorry.
Zana was waiting for me kat inter,as i needed
to pass hers and casey's work.If not they mati.
So ayu had to take 246 and had to drop off at
lakeside,then naek 180.Lembab betul bus !
Qayyum called me,asking where i was.huhu.
I was sooooo suprise to see Zana with Man,Evelyn,
qayyum and DY !I thought it was only Zana.
Well,i'm gonna miss them ? jyeah.
Had breakfast with hunney at kfc near my crib ?
somewhere there larhh huh.
Than we sitsit at my block,ayu lupe bwk keys !
fuck ayu fuck !
bodoh betul ayu niie,
Than we went to buy bbt,hunney bought lemon ice blend
which was very lemoney !huhu,but hunney liked it :D
I bought strawberry milk tea,more ice! :DDD
Than we lepak-ed again,i had fun.
We made a new game ! using straw !
Ask me how its played and i'll show you !:)))))
But must ask my hunney also lurhh,
I love my hunney !:DD
Send hunney home and 198-ed to tanglin.
People who wished me luck;
nisa scandal ! ilyvm
zana haney ;
ikaa sayang;
thankiieu people !
ayu tak ingt lagy who;
sorry if i've missed out your name.
Well,my lappy broke my heart and now i dont want
to go for that op !
What am i suppose to do in th hosp ? arghh!
text me ! keep me accompanied !
i gtg,my back is hurtin me !
bubbye !:DD
bubbye !:DD
Labels: get your dirty hands off kaes
Saturday, February 13, 2010 @ 1:41 AM
i love my sexy boyfriend .

heyy!i'm in love with Izdiyad b. Ahmad.
AYU currently watching santau with mummeh.
Later going out with family and around
2am++ or 3am++ ,i'm going to malacca.
I'll be back by maybe tuesday night ?
I know i shouldnt leave hunney alone on
valentines day,but i cant escape from th
family . I tried but i failed hunney.:(
I love you very much and i hope you
understand my situation love.I hope
you like the present i gave you on friday hunney.
Mummeh helped me pick it !:DD
The other one,i'll give it to you another
time okae ?Sorry if you dont like present dear.
Heyy!i hitt the durian!with my legg!
accidently of course.Who would be toooopid
enough to do so.Its efffin painful now.
I miss my babyboy ! v.v. much !
Dont you ? heeeeeeees:DD
Hunney dy,takmu naughtynaughty and miangmiang
when i'm not around okae ?
Hunney,i love you v. much !:))))
tooooo everyone ....
Labels: my one and only
Friday, February 12, 2010 @ 11:10 PM
i love Izdiyad && nisa .

haluuu friendfriends !
See the two pichas up there ? see see seee ?
Thats NISA:) .
We took the pichas after R.I.C.E project that time.
It was funn collecting rice with her.We did more
than what we are suppose to do,as we helped the
commonwealth sec.They were quite sloww i guess.
We manage to finish muchmuch earlier than the time
expected and given.Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!
My group had me,nisa,zainab,chandra,sri and jannah
and the two other volunteer from RC.We met many
strangestrange people.O.o Many doggydoggy toooo!
I cant wait for the next project R.I.C.E. !
Well,i had pretty much Red Cross everyday this week.
i didnt turn up for FDC,as i was absent from
school.Why was i absent you might be wondering,
well,i aint telling you!:P
had FDC training.4 words.
Ma'am saw me and hunney holding hands at the
traffic light.WHOA.i know,she asked hunneys' class
and walk off,scary or what.
Well,urhh,i aint telling you anything!and you aint getting
it out of me !:X Well,had promotion day rehearsal,superr
scary!Adeline and me were the parade marker.
i shouted the command wrongly the first time,but it
landed on the correct leg,and i was sloww,i was like,
pandang ke ka-hadapan pan-----dang!
huhu,the commanders thingy almost hit iffah ma'am,
so sorry,i was damn nervous!
The second time,i shouted the command correctly but,
theres always that toooopid but in the way,anyway,it landed on
the wrong legg!The commander was making me nervous,
he was like,'cepat,cepat,cepat'.
hmmph,need alot of practice.
ohhh welll,it was the PROMOTION DAY ITSELF!
I was efffin nervous!But after school,it made me sad,as
it started to drizzle eventho its hot.Ayu sadsad.
But,the sun came up to say hi!:) There were so much movement
parade square to hall,hall to parade square,at th moment
i was happy,i realised i wasnt,my shoe was effin bigg!i
could fin 5 fingers in it !i had to stuff tissue with the help of nisa,
thankiieu laling!:DD
There were alot of mistakes,but lets let bygones be bygones ayte?:DD
We had CNY and TDD celebrations in school.
I left my physics paper blank.I only did the MCQ.
huh,pathetic kann kann kann,
4 words to describe today.
Had cca after school.Went to jp to sent hunney,
than roamed around jp with nisa to kill the time.
IDK why but todays training was very tiring.
Went to popular with nisa and sheila after cca.
30-ed home.
Labels: th spirit within
Saturday, February 6, 2010 @ 7:42 AM
my sexy love .
it's our 7th month !
happy 7th mnth anni dy !
hellu friendfriend ! :))))
Today right right right , is my 7th month with
Izdiyad B. Ahmad :DD
woah,7 month liao,it feels so fast,but each day goes by so slowly.
060709 is our day.
I love my hunney v. muchmuch !
No stealing okie-dokie ? and i ain't sharing okae ?
He is mine,mine,mine !
He's only mine !
Ayu tak suka shareshare,eventhough sharing is caring,i'm ain't sharing!
Absoulutely a nono for me.
Berani curik ? I'll create chaos for you. It's no biggie y'know.
I know,we always fight and quarrel,but every relationship has it's
own ups and downs right ? duhhh,
Dy,you promised,(i think),hehe,i trust you.
No matter what you people call him,
i'm in love with him and he's mine !
Mahu berani jaa ckp depan gua,jgn wire ayu sot sudah ye ?:))
Stop spreading rumours ! I know you're just jealous.
Get a life human . Live.Laugh.Love.
Tak happy ? We can settle it,be matured larh bodoh .
Why hide ? Kecot paaa ?
This is going out to whoever is spreading fucking rumours bout him,
Don't backstepp,frontstepp ouhkae.
Yadyad ayu punya !:))))
No matter what his name may be ,
as long as his full name is still Izdiyad B. Ahmad,
he,ayu punya property,
Siti Norhidayu PUNYA !
Wow,am i that obsessed with him ?
I guess so larh jyeah ,
Izdiyad B. Ahmad is Siti Norhidayu punya
miang miau !
ayu love izzy
ayu love izzy
ayu love izzy
ayu love izzy
ayu love izzy
ayu love izzy
ayu love izzy
ayu love izzy
ayu love izzy
ayu love izzy
Labels: mi amor
Friday, February 5, 2010 @ 2:14 AM
Its in th blood babes .
ayu rinduuuu mereka sangatsangat !
Ayu miss them like freaky hell! It's very hard to meet them,seriously,
name aje family,sometimes we only meet during special occasions aje.
You can see right where i get my sewelness from:)))).
Ohhh man,rindu bangett dehhh sama mereka!
I wonder when are we gonna have our family gathering again .
Wow! our face all shinyshiny,caused by swimming at wildwildwet
from morning to afternoon,this picture also taken after barbecue.
I miss my aunt syasya and uncle qam,
my advisors.:((((((((((((((((((((
Ohh well,all things comes to an end right? Right.
Well,today,was i don't know what to say or how to describe.
Just an emotional,crazy,weird day, i think ?
Suke hati mak bapak gua larh jyeah?:D
After school,followed hunney home.Chillax and watch tv,CARTOON!:)))
Went home,playing in the rain.I'm suppose to feel sick!Why am i upright well?
Booshit betul.
Chat with nabnab thru th afternoon.NABNAB!:DD
chicks play,girls are sentimental,
girls forgive,chicks have EGO.
Imma chick!:) Thats what nabnab said:D.heh
Happy that i get to rest today,but i realise that i'm freaky hell bored.
Serious!I rather have training than rot at home doing nothing.
I can screammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
I can shouttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!
Remind to self,buy a penknife.ITS A MUST!
For absoulutely no obvious reasons why:DD
Tomorrow i have Red Cross Project RICE.
I'm collecting rice people!:) Please donate if i come to your crib:)
Its for the needys from differentdifferent society.
T omorrow is our 7th mnth!:))))))))))))
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!Labels: blank
Thursday, February 4, 2010 @ 4:22 AM
ohhh,fuck you.
Hellohello lalings!:)))))) How are you people?I'm sorry i havent been updating my dumbdumb plain blog.I'm wasting my time on this blog,arent i?but wth,i'm freaky bored.Been having quite a hard week.I'm working on it.I've been having nightmares nowadays,scaryscary nightmare.Whats wrong with me???My laptop pun perangai with me,my y and U button not working,wtf kan kan kan?Jyeah i know,idk why,but i've been feeling down nowadays,not like theres anybody who cares,maybe my hunney aje.AYU SAD SAD SAD !:((((((((((((((( I'm soooo hating 190210!booshit booshit booshit! Pantat square betul lurh.Did i mention i've been having bad tantrums this week?Jyeah i am.I think i need anger management class.hmmph.I had an experience of being a parade marker,replaced my adeq angkat,cried on hunneys shoulder,blah blah blah....I just wanna shout my ass off right now!I am freaky hell sad,angry and whatever shittos.SHHHHHH AYU SHHHHHH.I'm sorry for the inappropriate behaviour people.Ouhh jyeah,i have a new name given by DY!
Sepet Ranger !
Well,i want to g0 blogg some where else now.
Labels: arghhhh