Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 9:23 PM
2e5 NE trail..
2e5 NE trail;
ush @ Chinese Heritage Centre;

pockypocky(: ;ayu&&huiru(:
hou tian wit d uncle @ Jurong Fishery Port(:
pockypocky(: ;ayu&&huiru(:
ayu&&bella,d famous loudspeaker,hehe(:
AYUrawrrawr && ZANAwalewale(:
ekk ohh bloggie kush(:
sowie ferr nort been updatin,been lazy luhh,
been out,been rottin,shoo manie been larhh,
but 1 ting ferr sure,MYE LAPPY STILL ATTITUDE 2 D MAX!
attitude pa joyy,tkmo attitude2 arhh joyy,
kaekaes enuf ayu enuf,
blast keblakanglarhhhhh,
blasting 2 d past joyy....!
kaes,we had our NE trail
euu noe euu noe,NE,alermak,tkkan euu dk,
NE=national education larhh
kaekaes,we went 2 d boon lay market 1st,had our breakfast,
b.c saed it has sumting 2 do wit dat place history lyk dat,bt weali idk wat,
i drank milo peng,hehe,&& ate mye wantwant,
dey ar shoo addictive euu noe,haha
den we went to Jurong Fishery port,
it was abit eewwwwwwwwww situation,bt face it,
sum chinese were abit,i dunch wanna sae,
kae,smting bad appen,hamid fell!omg ryte,we lose one member fom our group
d bb teacher sent hym home usin hys car,lucky hym,
ouh yeah,btw,HOU TIAN carried mye bag through out d trail
shweet kan kan kan,hehe,
it was nyce of hym,
we bwin our hp,took abit of pichas,
den we went on 2 d Chinese Heritage centre,
ohh peck lin was dere,
we wen 2 d washroom 1st,2 wash up,freshen up,upupup larhh,hees
den we took sum pichas,ohh peck lin was dere,we din even realise,OHH GOSHHH
she saed i will wit diz handphone matter ltr,wen she went out,she tok 2 b.c,
she saed i will wit diz handphone matter ltr,wen she went out,she tok 2 b.c,
b.c xplain,haha,tooopid,we were nort in d wrong,haha
we went arnd d displays,it was nyce,we plaed hide&&seek,hehe,
we were runnin arnd findin our grp members,haha,
i was grp wit huiru,johan,hamid n hou tian
hou tian was our group leader,
initially i wasnt in any group as i was juz discharged,again,
mdm was lyk angry luhh,she saed she put miie in a group oweady,bt nobody took notice,
if hamid din ask miie 2 join hys group i wld hav 2 b wit dat b.c,
shadd awat,
den we went 2 d kranji defence line tingy wich was noting much,
den off 2 d mosque!
we had a tour in it,den we finish up our booklet && had currypuffs,hehe
pretty much lyk dat oni i guess,
BubByEbLogGIe!(:Labels: boooooom 2 d past