Wednesday, June 3, 2009 @ 11:08 PM
ekk ohhs(;
its been long since ive updated ryte,well,i hav mye reasons,
ive been bored @ home,rottin awae mye dae,
mye laptop attitude 2 max !
i cant upload mye pichas dammit!
attitude ryte laptop,
i hav manie pichas 2 upload lurhhs,
neyhminds,lets talk bout d past,WAITWAIT!
nort dat bloody past,d nearby past,get it?
neyhminds blurrblurr,euu sit down kip quiet && juz c kae blurr one,(:
booooooooooom!blast off!(hehe)
hmmph,wher do i strt?
kaeskaes,240509 ish an unferrgettable dae ferr miie,
sumting special appen i myte sae,.
wth,sumting special did appen!
bt i cant tell euu yet,im nort ready 2 let it out 2 d world,
bt 1 tings ferr sure,i love wat appen,
hehe LOVE,
did i sae it was a special dae?
AYUrawrrawr LOVE 240509!(;
blasting gain!
kaes,diz dae was great,c-rious,
its a L.O.L dae,
i din take ani picha,bt mye aunt did,
well.lets strt fom d beginning,
woke up,walk 2 d washroom,kae WAIT!diz ish gonna take ferrever,
let miie simplify it abit,jyeah,
kaes,i wen 2 tangling,yupp2,it strted rainin wen i was in d bus,
i walked in d rain && i love it!
i love walkin in d rain cosh no1 noes im cryin(:
wen 2 sheng siong && bought nuggets&&hotdogs!
kae,dunch tynk dirty ekh,hehes,
it was oready past lunch && i havent eaten,fom last nyte dinner i din eat,i was starvin,
grandmummy did apersh tahh wit d tings i bought,den we ate && slack,
haha,i slept abit,den we got ready 2 go,mye grandmumy was takin a whole load of tym,
i was oni touching up,hehe,1st impression ish important eu noe(:
den we wen 2 d mrt,met mye aunt,den we wen 2 simei,
we wen 2 changi hosp 2 visit kae,howta sae,mye religious teacher,wait,mine or mye aunt,
either waes,wich ish oso mye grandmummy nyyer fwen,
she was in hosp bcosh of...idk howta sae,bt she wen ferr alotta operation weady
she was involve in an accident,i pity her
but shes strong,i noe
kaekae,enuf of d pity party,
den we wen 2 eastpoint,han river,ferr dinner,
initially we tot mye fam was gon b late,shoo,miie,aunt&&nanny wen arnd 1st && i bought sum tings,
cute,no nid noe wat,bt...,i'll tell euu aniwae,hehe,i bought stickers && a card tingy,hehe
wen we went 2 d restaurant,mye fam was oweady dere!tooopid!
dey din even wait ferr us,huh!
haha,we ate alot,lyk pigs,haha
we were lyk d last customer,
miie&&mye bro were runnin arnd lyk freaks takin food,haha
it was superb fun!its been long since i had steamboat,huhu
it was delicious larhh kan kan kan,
of cosh luhh kan,fwee food,its on mye aunt,hhaaha
we took tooooooooooooooooooooo much ;
dat we cant finish em,we were lyk laughing && laughing&&laughing
dat it was hurtin while we were laughing,till i cant even laugh,
i was omost cryin,we were d oni 1s dere,shoo we were makin d noise pollution,
haha,i laugh till mye cap drop haha,
we cant stopp laughing,
mye bro was slow dammit,wen we were laughing,he laugh 2,wen we stopp,he asked,wats shoo funny,
tooopid ryte,haha,we strted laughing again,
den dey weali nenort finish,haha,since mye aunt werks @ d pharmacy,she has a plastic in her bag,
slowly mye grandmummy puts d meat wich oweady had been barbequed into d bag,
we were laughing lyk hell i tel ya,
den we still cant finish d drink,mye aunt has a water bottle in her bag,
mye grandmummy pour it into d bottle,
we wen off laughing again,damn,i tynk d peepz werkin in d shopp tynks dat we're a mad family,
laughing mahachines,haha
den dey ken still take ice-cream,haha
ohh goshh full man!haha
den we wen baq,mye daddy sent em hm,imagine goin baq by mrt,
hujung tanjong ke hujung tanjong,haha
(one end 2 one end)wi a full tummy,
continue-ing nxt tym jyeah,
bubbye bloggie love(;
Labels: boooooom 2 d past