Monday, August 31, 2009 @ 9:42 PM
zana haney
to myzana haney<3; heyy babe, (hmmph,hope you read this aytes,) i knows its been hard for you now, btween zbb and zttm, well.for zttm, you know,that he has someone new in his life kan? well,dont act differently towards him,act normally as how you did, if he starts to treat you differently, maybe he is not a true friend, friends comes first okae, friends are more important, not saying that zbb is not important, but,truefriends are hard to find, i know you've apologies about calling him (insert word). but he also broke his promise, he (insert word) you, as i see it,both parties are at fault, but i know you plaed your part by saying sorry, but if he dont forgive you, than he lose out,not you, you did you part, relax kae,you try apologise to him again,if he still dont forgive you or layan you like shitto, forget it,there are many peepo who care about you,not only him. as for zbb, well,if he loves you, he will trust you, you got to know zttm before him, he should know that you loves him more than anyone else, he shouldnt have left you like that, maybe you should consult him nicely, if he layan you like in a bustardeous manner, lupekan sajelarh, many fishes in th sea, anything happens,im here for you kaes hunns? ayulovesyou Labels: no comment
Monday, August 31, 2009 @ 9:42 PM
zana haney
to myzana haney<3; heyy babe, (hmmph,hope you read this aytes,) i knows its been hard for you now, btween zbb and zttm, well.for zttm, you know,that he has someone new in his life kan? well,dont act differently towards him,act normally as how you did, if he starts to treat you differently, maybe he is not a true friend, friends comes first okae, friends are more important, not saying that zbb is not important, but,truefriends are hard to find, i know you've apologies about calling him (insert word). but he also broke his promise, he (insert word) you, as i see it,both parties are at fault, but i know you plaed your part by saying sorry, but if he dont forgive you, than he lose out,not you, you did you part, relax kae,you try apologise to him again,if he still dont forgive you or layan you like shitto, forget it,there are many peepo who care about you,not only him. as for zbb, well,if he loves you, he will trust you, you got to know zttm before him, he should know that you loves him more than anyone else, he shouldnt have left you like that, maybe you should consult him nicely, if he layan you like in a bustardeous manner, lupekan sajelarh, many fishes in th sea, anything happens,im here for you kaes hunns? ayulovesyou Labels: no comment
ur one and only
chica gone loca{:
klutz.shy.loud.uniquely weird.
my status aint your concern kaes ?:D