Thursday, August 13, 2009 @ 4:40 AM
im shooshoo damn sowie ferr not updatin ferr a long time,
did you miss me?heees,
enough ayu enough,
kaes,now,im very ,uhh,how do i say this?
kaes,im on a bumpy ride,
superb bumpy,that im gettin bumps on my head,
huh,pathetic,but i must stae strong && positive right?(:
lets talk about d past orytey?
we had national dae celebration!woots!
zana called miie d nyte b4,tellin miie 2 bwin stuffs,as i was absent,
i had probby peepo @ home,
im nort invitin you all you noe!
y are you guys kip cumin in?
ohh d pressure!
afta 1 another drops by,
shooooooooo!plae farfar!
stress leyy peepo,wahh,frustrating noe,
met zana @ d int in d mornin,den we rush 2 chkool,
hamid nided sum stuff wich was wimme,
wen mdm tan saw miie,she was shock,
Mdm Tan: "Hidayu,why are you here?I thought your mother called the school and say you are to rest at home for two days?"
Ayu:"uhh?have mehh?i don't know,she never tell me anything.'
Mdm Tan:"Are you feeling okae?"
Mdm Tan:'okae."
den,we took tempt and wen off to our respective places wher we we assign 2,
as usual , mdm tan was d most kanchong,
watch d parade,den off 2 hall,2 watch d concert,
den we go mamam(eat)
den slack @ library,
wen home,change,go malae dance practice,
grandmummy&&aunt send miie home,
woah,it was d wkend n i had 2 wake up as early as 7,
argh!mye beauty shleep taken awae,haha
den had 2 rushrush,get ready n
go to tanglin,had breakfast @ grannys,
den off to Queenstown community centre,
had 2 rehearse,make,get ready,
wen i reach,dey were eatin n watchin dk wat,
den we rehearse lyk how manie tyms,
den we a prob,a BIGBIGPROBBY,
but it was solved,
we make up,change clothes,
shirah && lia were funny,
friendly indeed,
we watch syurga cinta,
huh,its lyk omost evewiedae watchin dat movie,
mye mum love 2 wat watch it,
den kecohrable moment,
kak shikin was bewi bz,she was d choreographer & make up,
&& ferr d 1st tym ever i agree dat i look beautiful(:
we were ready xcept her,
ohh goooo!
we were late n shes nort ready,
we had 2 transport 2 redhill,moe tingy,
did d performance,hancohhancoh,
drop mye waterface,agagagga,neyhminds,
ferrget it,lupekan saje,
den we head off 2 kfc,it d costume we were wearing,
muahahahha,centre of attraction peepo,
i noe we're pretty dats y dey stare,
muahahhaha,inadey!stress noe peepo starestare,
den head baq 2 d celebrations and singsing,
community singing larhh,it was BLOODY FUN,
den head off 2 busstop but wth,
mye grandmummys $ dropp into d drain,
whos gonna take it?whos gonna save it?
uhhh,guess whoo??
i had 2 do it since im d smallest,wit d costume on,
shoo the tk glam,huhu
den daddy called granny and fetch miie hm,
b4 we went hm we went 2 diz roti prata shop @ clementi,
sabedemah!i was tired,
i had a cheese prata,den wen home,
mye hair!shooo keras!
den went 2 shleep,
had 2 stae home,aniwae i woke up arnd 12+
heyyheyy!i desreve dat,dey took awae mye beauty shleep ytd,
den i shower n clean up d house while mye mum send mye bro go shwimmin lesson,
c,ayu gud gerl noe,haha
den ayu read mag n listen 2 song,
wen dey reach home,
mummy cook,miie n bro plae
as usual i plae d drum n bro plae d guitar,
den we watch d parade,
woah,it was nyce,
it was shadd dat i din go n watch it,
but neyhmind,
i did get 2 watch it,
i ferrget wen,
but iqah , zai , linaa ,man ,
was arnd,
i got 2 watch d fireworks wit HUNNEY,
den , miie n bro watch n eat macaroni,
watch s'pore idol,
hmmph,i do wanna join,
shall try 1 dae,
aniwae,mye age ish nort allowed yet,huh
den cntinued guitar hero,
den arnd midnyte,
miie n mummy watch
its a ghost movie,
ahah,quite scary actually,okaelarhh overall,
stae @ hm n karaoke,ahahah
den idk wat i did,
den we went 2 turf city,
dad wanted 2 c cars,
he wan to change car gain,
huh!our car ish gud enuf!
den we got off @ vivo n walk arnd,
den pass by Tanglin n drop off d costume,
miie n mummy watch
a ghost story bout abortion,
@ chkool was okae,
dey kept saein,
'its suppose 2 b senget'
wich means,'its suppose 2 b slanted'
den afta chkool,
zana&&man,lyn aso,
go shwimmin,
mush had cca,
miie,linaa,iyad wen 2 lib n slack,
den atika n aliyah came along,
idk watta sae,hah
kae,wed was fun!
PE was fun,
ran wit d peepo who failed2.4,
lion n hawt was arnd,
Benny n d gang were lyk walkinwalkin n sing-ingsing-ing,
malae was okae,
had 3 fwee period since mdm tan was nort arnd,
lss was as usual,BORING
i wan mr fadhir!!!
i slept thru lss,
den we had literature,
it was fun,
mye group had 2 act as mermaids,ahahha,
shairul was feelin SEXY,
miie , zana , wei hao n benny left d klas @ 1.20,
we had diz cluster game @ westwood sec,
wats irritatin ish dat everybody kip askin,
'ayu, kau msk ekh?'
dat means
'ayu,u oso got join?'
n i kip eplyin d same bloody ting,
'i sub sec 3 gerl who nenort make it.'
we had 2 plae floorball,
we lose,duhhh,
wat do u xpect fom ugs n dance students,
i nbr plae floorball b4,
but it was fun trying,
we were singing n dancing 2 d music,ahah,FUN
we lose in all matches,pathetic much peepo?
got diz pathetic chkool,
sae,'da kala uat hal kala arh'
dat means
'lose oweady lose arh'
i was lyk wth?
@ d strt of d game we oweady had 1 goal,
d toopid,pathetic,kayu,stick,bias
referre din saw it,
juying another 1,
we had 2 goals n we got ntg on d board,
dalarhh anggek,huh!
den during d prize presentation,we were lyk crazy,
despite mye hand bengkak(puffypuffy)
denwe walk all d wae 2 int,
@ 1st we walk wit achapp n d rest of d guys,den we seperate n walk another wae,
during d walk,we past juying,
dey were lyk,'bye jurong west';byebye'
we oso eply ;bye juying';'bye member'
den wen we were reachin diz traffic lite,we saw d juying peepo n achapp n d gang,
ahahah,we seperate ferr wat,it cums 2 same ting,
den @ diz traffic lite,wen walking,
got 1 of d juying guy suddenly appear bside miie,
he shmile,i shmile baq,
den d fwen sae,'mengatal jeq kau ekh'
'flirting oni arh u'
den walk on,
suddenly got another one,
sae,'adeq name cape'
'adeq beg biru,eyk blaq,purple,pink,yg beg name roxy'
'sombong arh adeq'
funny siaa,i wanted 2 c who saed all dat,but aidil was bhind n blocking mye view,
den we walk on,we took bus @ gek poh,
den 2 int,den i wen home,
i was shoo tired dat i shlept in d bus
reach home,showered,eat,
talk 2 hunney ferr awhile den wen 2 shleep,
tired noe peepo,
miie n zana nbr go chkool,
eykeykeyk!we nbr pon chkool okae,
our mums called d chkool okae,
we talk on d fone ferr 1 and half hr,
ntg muchh,ahah,
plaed wimme kittens,
bubbye,miie wanna plae wimme kitties;
peace peepo,
Labels: nationaldae++