Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 2:30 AM
ferr you
Firefly mira; (this ish ferr u) hmmph,ive been waitin shoo long ferr dat, a sincere sorry,fom u, nort fom others mouth,nort fom rumours, straight fom u, u tynk ure d oni one lost? wat bout miie den? fight?huh,we rarely tok, actually it was kinda entertainin, hmmph,nw i realise,sec 1 lyf, its d easiest,most fun tym, everting seems ryte,everytings on ur side, its d happiest tym, well,i ferrgiv u, n i hope history wont repeat itself gain, and d 'wadeva' @ d last part sungguh tak perlu, well, i wanna sae sowie aso, ferr wateves dat ive done, well dats nort d worst,dats gud, shoo, im sowie jyeah, (woah,i acTually saed dat,im suprised by myeself) woah,ayu uhh,tk pernaperna,ahaha, niwae,y the hell ar we havin grudges, sedangkan Nabi maafkan umatnyyer , apekan kite sesame manusia kan, wow,dats over,well,dats it i guess, well,bubbye(:
Labels: unexpected, woah
Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 2:30 AM
ferr you
Firefly mira; (this ish ferr u) hmmph,ive been waitin shoo long ferr dat, a sincere sorry,fom u, nort fom others mouth,nort fom rumours, straight fom u, u tynk ure d oni one lost? wat bout miie den? fight?huh,we rarely tok, actually it was kinda entertainin, hmmph,nw i realise,sec 1 lyf, its d easiest,most fun tym, everting seems ryte,everytings on ur side, its d happiest tym, well,i ferrgiv u, n i hope history wont repeat itself gain, and d 'wadeva' @ d last part sungguh tak perlu, well, i wanna sae sowie aso, ferr wateves dat ive done, well dats nort d worst,dats gud, shoo, im sowie jyeah, (woah,i acTually saed dat,im suprised by myeself) woah,ayu uhh,tk pernaperna,ahaha, niwae,y the hell ar we havin grudges, sedangkan Nabi maafkan umatnyyer , apekan kite sesame manusia kan, wow,dats over,well,dats it i guess, well,bubbye(:
Labels: unexpected, woah
ur one and only
chica gone loca{:
klutz.shy.loud.uniquely weird.
my status aint your concern kaes ?:D