Friday, September 4, 2009 @ 8:31 AM
im back larhh peepo!
huhu,today had Red Cross training,
FUN!we played captains ball,
you know how long i havent played that game?
well,i actually also dont know,hehe
It was our bonding time,
Than we did BILLYBANJA(mind my spelling peepo)
It was okaelarh,but not LOUD enough!
shall shout louder next time.
biefie fetch me and sent me home.
Went to SYAA's homey after,
to do music project,
reached home around 11++,
i staright away GEDEBOOM,
i slept larhh,
i was tired know.
we panicked about our music project,
we met up at 2e5 staircase,
pracise abit,
swaysway i forgot to bring lyric,
good thang i rmbred th lyric,
we told teacher we needed one last practise , so we went outside,
but in th end,we were still not ready,
teacher gave us more time to do th project,
Iraa and Syaa played th guitar,
ayu sing and zana dance,
cool right?we had all,
We had inter-class floorball after school,
but before that we went to chamelon,me , zana and iraa i mean,
we wanted to buy headband,
it was hot peepo!
i was sub,despite not knowing how to play,hahs
zana and iraa also,
Our class came in 4th,
we aimed for top 3,
but what to do,
luck was not on our side,
nevermind,we had fun,
i had fun shouting and screaming,
must be supportive know peepo,
have sportsmanship,chaa,cam phm arh ayu,
i had a quarrel with biefie,
pathetic yaww,
but i manage to fast!
i didnt break my fast before time!
woah,ayu siaa,haha
went home alone,
because of two peepo conflict,im in th middle victim,haiyo!
when are you guys gonna settle the probby?
its killing me,
get it?
killing me,
had tution,
tiredtired also got tution,
what to do what to do,
my teacher keep telling me that im weird
even biefie says im weird.
i prefer to use th word unique,
well,its good to different right?
i dont want to be a copy-cater or a clone,
ayu no likey,:)
huhu,BFFE terbwk buku ayu home,
now i cannot write,alermak,hehe
Today went to school feeling down,
Had me peepos cheered me up
Had tllm home ec,
it was fun,
made meringue(mind spelling),
Iraa wrote H.B.O and IRA,
hehe,made ice-cream made sandwich also,
I had fun with Iraa,
I almost break fast,but i didnt,
sabar ayu sabar,
persevererance(mind spelling),
hehe,go ayu go ayu!
i can do it!i can do it!
didnt even eat nor drink anything in th morning,
hehe,i manage to tahan till 7++,
Had Red cross training,
it was tiring,
we were having physical fitness thingy,
to tain for next year when we become NCO.
Tiring but,okae,we need to build muscles right?heheehe
Than we had rest for awhile,
after that we had FOOTDRILL!
Nco's are training us,to pick th ones who can make it for FDC.
well,i made it to th draft squad of FDC,
best know FDC,
biefie sent me home,
i went home with Mush also.
Mye babygerl!heees:D
Buke straight away,
i showered,than i relaxed,
called biefie for awhile,
than mummy asked me to eat,i had no mood to eat,
i dont even know why,even break fast just now,i ate a slice of bread.
Mummy said tomorrow im going to rebond!
yeah!ive been waiting for th longest time.
Today i terbwk mye BFFE book home,aiyo!
i didnt saw him,how to pass to him back?
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