Thursday, September 24, 2009 @ 4:40 PM
hello!arent you sleeping?
Its early morning and i am still not asleep,
i cant sleep lurh,idk why.
Since idk what to say,lets boooooooom!
Went to school with Zana haney as usual,
its our daily routine people.
We talked all the way to school about Hari Raya.
Todays lesson was okae,i think?
Well,after school,i waited for my daughters and cucu.huhu
im so young and i have granddaughter.:D
They had oral.
I was like having a marathon,cheyy no larhh,
more like playing catching with iyad,
running around and around and around.
Had a short practise for Lit project.
Than i continued doing Geo,i was
choosen for bookcheck,so sway!
Some pages i left blank,idk howta do larhh.
Than we went to library,
saw MR FADHIR!(:
i asked him to teach and he teached untill 8++ pm,
hunney sent me home,i was damn jealous larh
other people are jalan raya-ing,
and im in school u,huh!my dad also OT.
Had oral!
I was superh anxious,but it turned out okae.
My reading was horrible,i forgotten to bring my specs!
We went to seven-eleven,to buy lunch,
its a great thing they build it there as it is nearer to school,
popular punya,just now only,
full of JWSS students.
i was quite confident during the
conversation and picture discussion,
i could make an essay with what i said,serious.
Hunney,Babygerl,cucu waited for me and Zana Haney,
While H.B.O was waiting for Iraa.
Went to library...blablablaa,
something happened!
ahha,it remains a secret.shhhhhh.
Hunney keep pestering me about being SEPET .
and he saes i got whiskers{?}
i did have compliments people saying i look or act ike cat,
but really mehh?idk,
kae,i havent do home ec and im gonna die!
For all i care,DETENTION ONLY.
I wonder hows today gonna be like.
hmmph,we shall seee.
Labels: boredybored