Wednesday, September 23, 2009 @ 1:40 AM
Set me free.Let me fly.
Fly away from all the problems.
Fly away from everything.
Let the wind take away my worries,my fears,
my hatred life.
Fly to a place where nothing matters.
You can be who you want,
act how you want.
Nothing matters.
Happiness is the key word.
Where nobody knows me.
Where everything seems beautiful.
Nothings wrong,everythings right.
Everthing has a solution.
Everybodys ready to help.
A smile,it can brighten up a dark,sorrow soul.
A friend who doesnt care if you're not perfect,
who'll be there for you in rain or shine,
the one who never gets tired of listening to your daily stories,
the one who is always there to bring you
up when you're down.
Never behind but beside.
A place where theres no worries.
Living life to the fullest everyday.
Enjoying every moment,every minute , every second of life.
Watching the earth greeted by the sun,
may it be sunset or sun rise.
Hearing the bird sings,the waves crash.
The wind blowing through your hair.
The stars shine above,the flowers bloom.
No worries.
No doubts.
No unwanted compliments,only sincere ones.
Ohh! take me to that place.
I want peace,i want to be happy.
Always thought if there was a such place.
Imagination,wow,it makes you wonder.
Labels: what was that?