Tuesday, September 15, 2009 @ 4:29 AM
staein strong and positive
weii gang,im confuse lurhh
(insert name) is making me sad.Damn sad.
You and Iyad have a problem,me and Zana jadi mangse{?}
apa niie weii{?}
Gua bkn apahal,frust mennoggeng gua pkirkan hal lu org.
cheydebah,ayu da ayu,jgn ual cam gytu agyk,
insyaallah,tk promise ye,
I know you hate him that much.That bloody damn much.
I cant force to you forgive him,i know.
But you also have to know,that everything must come to an end.
I hate seeing you two like this.
When are you two gonna
accept th fact that both of you are in my life
and i love you both.
as a brother and as my hunney.
man,i love you as my bro,you should know that.
I'll never forget what you did for me.
You were the one who waited for me at the interchange after i broke up with 'him'.
I couldnt walk alone,as im not use to it.
Almost everyday you waited,and you always sacrifice for me.
I wont foorget that.
But as much as you hate Iyad,stop the comments.
You are saying sorry,but you are and were making stories of him.
I dont know if its the truth or not.
But also bad stuffs about him.
But i wont and cant forget that you were the one who made us.
im thankfull to you.
But its making me sick,when he is not doing anything to you or
say anything to you and you're trying to 'hit him' indirectly.
Its getting old.
I cant take it.
Why suddenly the topic that has something to do with 'ilahbeylo'
has to come up,after you being okae with him{?}
After you made us together{?}
Its shocking.
I tried to ingnore the fact that you hate him but,
you 'hitting him' indirectly{?}
hmmph,too much perhaps{?}
Im not unreasonable,im being fair,to both parties.
You're saying that Zana and me replace you with iyad{?}
haiish brother,you're my bloods,and that will stay that.
5 only , not more , not less .
Nobody,and i mean N.O.B.O.D.Y,
can be my Leman Extreme except you.
My brother,my joker.
NOBODY can replace you.
put that in you head kaes bro{?}
Ayu nanak gado ngn man.
And i dont want BLOODS to split.
im sorry if i did anything wrong,
if i hurt you,
AYUrawrrawr says;
i want peace,i just want a happy life.
i know its hard,but he was the one who made us,remember that.
I was a stranger to you back than,
without him,i dont think we'll be together.
No matter what he did,i take him as my brother.
Please understand my situation.
Im not siding him nor am i siding you,
like i say,i mean type,
i just want peace,i just want a happy life
All this is important to me.
I have enough people hating me,
i wanna make changes.
Not repeating history,again.
zana haney;
im sorry i got you involve in my problem haney,
im really sorry.
i love you scandal;
ima just tryna chill and think .
im confuse .
my rollercoaster bumps and twirls are getting harder.
It aint easy,but im workin on it.
Until than,
cherios amigos;
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