Saturday, September 5, 2009 @ 1:33 AM
a dumbdumb thingy
humans,im bored,
a survey since im bored like hell,
1)Whats your full name?
~Siti Norhidayu
2)What does your friends/family calls you?
2)What does your friends/family calls you?
3)Whats your current status?
3)Whats your current status?
~in a realtionship larhh shayang.
4)How do you feel when someone calls you 'baby'?
4)How do you feel when someone calls you 'baby'?
~huhu,im used to it(:
5)How do you gat crazy with your friends?
5)How do you gat crazy with your friends?
~talk about toopid stuffs.Talk dirty:P
6)Where are your besties at?
7)Who do you want to see right now?
~zana haney<3
8)What are you doing right now?
8)What are you doing right now?
~doing you?idk
9)Do you miss anyone right now?
9)Do you miss anyone right now?
~jyeah,hunney,bloods,shawties,wher my peepos at?
10)Do you love anybody?
10)Do you love anybody?
~I love my hunney,I love th peepos who loves me(:
11)What do you want to say to th person you love right now?
~bluek:p iloveyou!(:
12)still schooling?
12)still schooling?
13)Do you love him?
~jyeah,loads,why?got a probby?
14)What are you listening to right now?
~obsessed by mariah carey
15)Can you name 13 people in your mind now?
1)izzy hunney
2)zana haney
3)mush ; my babygerl!
4)linaa ; step babygerl
11)shukri bffe
16)How many years you know no. 1?
~hmmph,idk act.
17)Do you have a crush with anyone up there?
~im attach 2 no. 1 larrh deyy.
18)What can you say about no.5?
~fun,dont like to get involve in things,goodgerl(:
19)How you got to know no.7?
~she's my aunt,how do i not know her?
20)Do you love no.10?
20)Do you love no.10?
~as my bro,why not?
21)How about no.13?
~of cosh!ilove her very much!(:
22)Do you hate no.8?
22)Do you hate no.8?
~no,we're family,nvr did and nvr will
23)Does no 12 wear specs?
~no,she has perfect eye sight.
24)Describe no.11?
~silent,my bestfriend!
25)Ever had a big quarrel with any of them?
~jyeah,quite a num .
26)Do you miss any of them?
27)Any of them unattach?
~im nort sure eyy-.-
28)Who is no.1 attach to?
~know anybody by th name AYUrawrrawr?yupp,attach to her!(:
~know anybody by th name AYUrawrrawr?yupp,attach to her!(:
29)What kind of specific colors best reflect your personality?
♥hmmph,i dont know,ouhouh! ROY G.BIV!(:
30)If you could be any animal, what would you be?
31)Your favorite flower is?
32)The first word which pops into your head when I say summer is?
33)Do you prefer to sing or dance?
34)The top two qualities you look for in a friend are?
♥always there and caring,i think.
35)What cartoon character is your favorite?
36)Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:
♥whos my favourite celebrity{?}
37)You witnessed a murder:
♥i think i will faint,without another word.
38)What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
♥chocolatte beybeh,
39)Last Person you talked on the phone with?
♥urgh{?} i dont rmbr.
40)Who/what are you thinking about now?
41)Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
♥hunney's jacket,ask him.
42)Why are you taking this survey?
♥im bored you dumbdumb
Labels: im bored larhh peepo