Friday, January 1, 2010 @ 1:03 PM
chalet part 1 !:O
i see you!Do you see me?NO!you cant!:P
haluuuhaluuu people!{:
Hey,it's 5am+ and i ain't asleep yet!Lerh,what's the biggie?
Went out with madre,syasya and Qam around 10pm++,
Mendakz larh kat dalam chalet.We've been playing police and thieft,
or is it murderer?I was wondering of that throughout the whole game,hmmph O.o
Anyways,i'm getting tired of the game,cos i ain't good at it!
I failed to be the murderer for being too obvious,
i killed only one pathetic person and got caught by the police,wth ayu wth?-.-
I got to be the murderer 2 times and i failed miserably 2 times.
This shows that i'm a good person{:
We walked around aimlessly,and sat down at a park{?}
Something like that,we too pichas!{:
There were many mats and minahs f.y.i .
There were 2 mats who were cycling,and they cycled straight into the bushes.
Well,not on purpose of cos,we were laughing like idiots and awwed by
the situation.We walked to macdonalds and had ice-cream! and french fries.
We were arguing in the restaurant about liverpool and manchester-united !
It was a tie,Ayu and Syasya loves manchester united<3
Madre and Qam loves liverpool.
Went to cheers to buy munchmunch to eat in our chalet.
In the we got back to our chalet in time to listen to MJ12.
Imagine about 20 people in a room listening to it ,all over the place.
The show was boring,i wonder why ,sooo the bengap.-.-
We didn't sleep after that,so i on lappy.
Padre and Qam went out,don't know for what,when they came back,
they came back with fooods,MORE MUNCHMORE MUNCHMUNCH!{:
Ate nasi goreng,mee goreng,and chappati at 4am in the morning =.= .
Than talktalk for awhile,for a long period of time actually,
about absolute ramdon stuff,about faggots :O
I ran away from the crowd to text hunney,called him for awhile.
Still texting him now.
Siti Norhidayu loves Izdiyad {:
v. muchmuch .
Well,most of em are asleep now.
Anyways,today,we'll be going to WildWildWet!{:
And at night we'll be having BBQ!
Will be expecting more pichas,like duhhh.
OPPSIE !i can't talk like that,nanti my hunney marah :P
Let me re-phrase that,
I am positive that there will be more pictures coming in later.:P
cheyydebahh ayu,
Heyy!ayu want to mandi larh,
I feel stickysticky and probably smell smellysmelly .
Kaekae,till later!{:
ayu loves iyad!{: v.v. muchmuch!
i'll go hide and you go seek ouhkae?
1.2.3 GO!
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