Friday, December 18, 2009 @ 2:07 AM
endless energy absorbing ;
Whoa,i feel weird writing a post,i think its due to how long i have
not touched the lappy or computer or a even a keyboard larh. O.o
My blog is giving me a whole load of attitude.
freaky hell,
My picture is not there,my song is not there,freaky hell attitude.
mintak kena smack that betul ,
Anyway,semalamkan,kan kan kan, was my hunney's birthday.
181209 the Friday.
(the laptop tak betul lurh,its saturday now,the 19!)
He finally turned 14 lurh.
Whoa,i feel weird writing a post,i think its due to how long i have
not touched the lappy or computer or a even a keyboard larh. O.o
My blog is giving me a whole load of attitude.
freaky hell,
My picture is not there,my song is not there,freaky hell attitude.
mintak kena smack that betul ,
Anyway,semalamkan,kan kan kan, was my hunney's birthday.
181209 the Friday.
(the laptop tak betul lurh,its saturday now,the 19!)
He finally turned 14 lurh.
happy 14th birthday dearest![:
Happy belated birthday to you!
Happy belated birthday to you!
Happy belated birthday to hunney!
Happy belated birthday to you!
Happy belated birthday to you!
Happy belated birthday to hunney!
Happy birthday to you![:
Well,i called him around 8pm to wish him happy birthday,
as i wanted to be the first to wish him.(:
I actually booked him already but he was going out with his sister,
so i had to shift my booking date.-.-
never mind that,i was busy anyway,
in the morning i had Red Cross FDC training,
which was from 9am till 1pm.
If you were wondering what exactly FDC stands for,
it stands for Foot Drill Competition.
After that i had Malay dance,
so i had to travel from Boon Lay to Queenstown community centre,
good thing there was a straight bus.
It actually started at 1pm,but i was late and it lasted till till night.
Tiring dok.
Let's elaborate![:
as i wanted to be the first to wish him.(:
I actually booked him already but he was going out with his sister,
so i had to shift my booking date.-.-
never mind that,i was busy anyway,
in the morning i had Red Cross FDC training,
which was from 9am till 1pm.
If you were wondering what exactly FDC stands for,
it stands for Foot Drill Competition.
After that i had Malay dance,
so i had to travel from Boon Lay to Queenstown community centre,
good thing there was a straight bus.
It actually started at 1pm,but i was late and it lasted till till night.
Tiring dok.
Let's elaborate![:
FDC training
ayu loves footdrill ![:
It was okae,except for the fact that i
got bullied by 2 people.
The 2 human beings are,
They kept tickling and poking me!
They even pulled my hair band,took my clips and
messing my damn hair!>:(
I told ma'am and she/they joined in as well!:S
They even called us 'The hairband girls' . O.0
I was the timer,as usual,hehe,
i got a loud voice:DD
I decided that Shoba will be my second timer(:
Well,there was a lot of laughter and mistakes.
The sec 1s got a chance to try and command
and try be the timer.
No offence,but there was a lot of hentak-ing.
But,what do you expect,it was their 1st time,
it was out of a sudden.
Ma'am said that there will be 2 or 3 reserves,
i hope i don't get to be the reserve,
i want to join the fun beybeh!:DD
Well,Nisa and Sabrina kept talking about K-pop -.-''
Preethi Ma'am took videos of us doing footdrill,
not that bad,but there is always rooms for improvements right?
I want to atleast win something next year.
The competition is in march next year.
I got a magnet and a short letter from my angel(:
Whoever she is:S
Well,i think theres going to be FDC shirt again,
add on to the collection!(:
Did i mention that i love footdrill?
ayu loves footdrill ![:
It was okae,except for the fact that i
got bullied by 2 people.
The 2 human beings are,
They kept tickling and poking me!
They even pulled my hair band,took my clips and
messing my damn hair!>:(
I told ma'am and she/they joined in as well!:S
They even called us 'The hairband girls' . O.0
I was the timer,as usual,hehe,
i got a loud voice:DD
I decided that Shoba will be my second timer(:
Well,there was a lot of laughter and mistakes.
The sec 1s got a chance to try and command
and try be the timer.
No offence,but there was a lot of hentak-ing.
But,what do you expect,it was their 1st time,
it was out of a sudden.
Ma'am said that there will be 2 or 3 reserves,
i hope i don't get to be the reserve,
i want to join the fun beybeh!:DD
Well,Nisa and Sabrina kept talking about K-pop -.-''
Preethi Ma'am took videos of us doing footdrill,
not that bad,but there is always rooms for improvements right?
I want to atleast win something next year.
The competition is in march next year.
I got a magnet and a short letter from my angel(:
Whoever she is:S
Well,i think theres going to be FDC shirt again,
add on to the collection!(:
Did i mention that i love footdrill?
Well,I DO![:
It was damn energy absorbing.
I changed to my NIKE slippers than accompanied
Adeline buy some school attires along with Nisa and Shoba.
Than we walked to interchange and walked seperate ways ]:
I changed to my NIKE slippers than accompanied
Adeline buy some school attires along with Nisa and Shoba.
Than we walked to interchange and walked seperate ways ]:
Malay Dance Practice
It was a total chaos!
I couldnt concentrate!
I was too tired,i think ?
I was soo damn restless.
Now i'm practicing,
the next thing you know i'm either on the floor
or laughing to myself,
which i don't think i know why:S
Nana was as blurr as usual.
We slacked alot as Kak Dayah wasnt around,
only Kak Shikin.
Ohh ya!I didnt tell you what we are
practicing for,you didnt ask actually,
but i'm going to tell you anyway(:
Its for a cultural show thingy on Malay wedding,
and we had to perform.
Since nana's friend,shafiqah couldnt make,
its only the 4 of us.
Even Shirah and Lia c.m.i ]:
We have 2 dance,
one is joget pengantin and zapin.
Zapin is fun,but tiring and a bit confusing for me,
im a slow picker,what do you expect?
When Kak Dayah came,more stress,
she very the garang,scary.
Kak Dayah belanja us LJS.
Later got another training-.-''
It was a total chaos!
I couldnt concentrate!
I was too tired,i think ?
I was soo damn restless.
Now i'm practicing,
the next thing you know i'm either on the floor
or laughing to myself,
which i don't think i know why:S
Nana was as blurr as usual.
We slacked alot as Kak Dayah wasnt around,
only Kak Shikin.
Ohh ya!I didnt tell you what we are
practicing for,you didnt ask actually,
but i'm going to tell you anyway(:
Its for a cultural show thingy on Malay wedding,
and we had to perform.
Since nana's friend,shafiqah couldnt make,
its only the 4 of us.
Even Shirah and Lia c.m.i ]:
We have 2 dance,
one is joget pengantin and zapin.
Zapin is fun,but tiring and a bit confusing for me,
im a slow picker,what do you expect?
When Kak Dayah came,more stress,
she very the garang,scary.
Kak Dayah belanja us LJS.
Later got another training-.-''
Eventhough its the holidays i aint getting own time and space,
after one activity,anoter comes up.
Even if i have nothing on a certain day,
i'll either meet hunney or have my 'beauty sleep' that
i've been missing alot.
But hunney has been picking me up after training[:
I havent met him in awhile,probably meeting him on
sunday or monday.
Then tuesday got dance.
On wednesday i'm meeting my primary classmates!
i miss them like bloody hell larh!
5C && 6B reunion![:
Hunney going chalet,i sleeping over Kak Shikin's crib.
Whoaaaa,i tired lehh,school re-opening soon,
i havent got enough rest yet]:
I got into 3e5,i dont know should i be happy or sad.
Anyway,im getting backache now,
i need a rest[:
after one activity,anoter comes up.
Even if i have nothing on a certain day,
i'll either meet hunney or have my 'beauty sleep' that
i've been missing alot.
But hunney has been picking me up after training[:
I havent met him in awhile,probably meeting him on
sunday or monday.
Then tuesday got dance.
On wednesday i'm meeting my primary classmates!
i miss them like bloody hell larh!
5C && 6B reunion![:
Hunney going chalet,i sleeping over Kak Shikin's crib.
Whoaaaa,i tired lehh,school re-opening soon,
i havent got enough rest yet]:
I got into 3e5,i dont know should i be happy or sad.
Anyway,im getting backache now,
i need a rest[:
Labels: freaky hell