Friday, February 5, 2010 @ 2:14 AM
Its in th blood babes .
ayu rinduuuu mereka sangatsangat !
Ayu miss them like freaky hell! It's very hard to meet them,seriously,
name aje family,sometimes we only meet during special occasions aje.
You can see right where i get my sewelness from:)))).
Ohhh man,rindu bangett dehhh sama mereka!
I wonder when are we gonna have our family gathering again .
Wow! our face all shinyshiny,caused by swimming at wildwildwet
from morning to afternoon,this picture also taken after barbecue.
I miss my aunt syasya and uncle qam,
my advisors.:((((((((((((((((((((
Ohh well,all things comes to an end right? Right.
Well,today,was i don't know what to say or how to describe.
Just an emotional,crazy,weird day, i think ?
Suke hati mak bapak gua larh jyeah?:D
After school,followed hunney home.Chillax and watch tv,CARTOON!:)))
Went home,playing in the rain.I'm suppose to feel sick!Why am i upright well?
Booshit betul.
Chat with nabnab thru th afternoon.NABNAB!:DD
chicks play,girls are sentimental,
girls forgive,chicks have EGO.
Imma chick!:) Thats what nabnab said:D.heh
Happy that i get to rest today,but i realise that i'm freaky hell bored.
Serious!I rather have training than rot at home doing nothing.
I can screammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
I can shouttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!
Remind to self,buy a penknife.ITS A MUST!
For absoulutely no obvious reasons why:DD
Tomorrow i have Red Cross Project RICE.
I'm collecting rice people!:) Please donate if i come to your crib:)
Its for the needys from differentdifferent society.
T omorrow is our 7th mnth!:))))))))))))
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!Labels: blank