Tuesday, June 16, 2009 @ 2:32 AM
birthdae luhhs(:
ekk ohh bloggie!(: i mished euu,did euu mish miie?well u better kaes(: we oweady blast shooo much,well euu noe miie, i love blasting arnd,hehe nw,we're blasting 2 'NADINE FALISHA' 1 year old birthdae!(: (wich was celebrated on 060609) (i din get 2 sing ferr her bdae song shooo) happy birthdae 2 euu, happy birthdae 2 euu, happy birthdae 2 FALISHA happy birthdae 2 euu; wen i reach,d birthdae gerl was nort in mood, i din take ani pichas of her,how dumb of miie, man!she ish ohh goshh cute , euu ken c her face in mye aunts blogg, she has tons of falisha's pichas, she's adorable,c-rious, i shall take pichas of her && wimme, soooooooooooooooon! she's 1 years old!wow! hehe, wen i reach,i was totally in shock mode, dere were shoo manie peepo, dey were mye uncle's fwen, it was nort lyk a birthdae party, it was moe lyk a jamming session,c-rious, dey were plaein idk larhhh watts d name, it was fun,mmiie n mye aunt syasya wanted 2 try,bt, shy larhh,got shoo manie of mye uncle fwensh,even uncle we went home, dey were still arnd,itatin ,haha, dere were lyk 2 diff room wit manie peepo inside, 1 was lyk d babysitter room wit mye aunt pure seduction in it, d other were d mummies n daddies,we cal it d 'old peepo' room,hehe actually nort all dat all larhh, miie,abg(uncle qam) && adq(aunt syasya) wen 2 d shopp,we were ohh goshh bored, i bought bubble tea n d coke mumy ask 2 buy, den we wen under diz block n sit arnd, mye uncle did a lil shuffle n jumpstyle,i din take ani video,toopid, we took pichas,den we wen baq 2 d hse, miie n syasya,wen 2 d 'old peepo' room we were lughing n tokin2, 1 ting bout ush was dat,wen dere were manie food,nobody wanted 2 eat, wen dere were a lil left,everybody wanted 2 eat, wateve left was taken by ush in d 'old peepo' room everybody was laudhing2,den wen kak nora(aunt) came into d room 2 giv d cake d whole fam in d 'old peepo'room shout,she was in shock mode ferr awhile,haha we watch manja lara+eatin wateve was arnd, den d adults wen on bout ps3,haha dey were lyk saein,eu buy d guitar,u buy d drum,u buy d mic,all put @ mye hse wen wan 2 plae make app,toopid,haha funnylarhhh,downstair ar sum pichas, ayu rawrrawr(: balloon ferr birthdaegerl(: while findin birthdae presnt ferr birthdae gerl; in d bus otw baq hm fom sumwher
gimme d chocs & nobody gets hurt,hehe; ayu&&syasya(: ; ayu&&umi(qam xtra);Labels: falisha birthdae
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 @ 2:32 AM
birthdae luhhs(:
ekk ohh bloggie!(: i mished euu,did euu mish miie?well u better kaes(: we oweady blast shooo much,well euu noe miie, i love blasting arnd,hehe nw,we're blasting 2 'NADINE FALISHA' 1 year old birthdae!(: (wich was celebrated on 060609) (i din get 2 sing ferr her bdae song shooo) happy birthdae 2 euu, happy birthdae 2 euu, happy birthdae 2 FALISHA happy birthdae 2 euu; wen i reach,d birthdae gerl was nort in mood, i din take ani pichas of her,how dumb of miie, man!she ish ohh goshh cute , euu ken c her face in mye aunts blogg, she has tons of falisha's pichas, she's adorable,c-rious, i shall take pichas of her && wimme, soooooooooooooooon! she's 1 years old!wow! hehe, wen i reach,i was totally in shock mode, dere were shoo manie peepo, dey were mye uncle's fwen, it was nort lyk a birthdae party, it was moe lyk a jamming session,c-rious, dey were plaein idk larhhh watts d name, it was fun,mmiie n mye aunt syasya wanted 2 try,bt, shy larhh,got shoo manie of mye uncle fwensh,even uncle we went home, dey were still arnd,itatin ,haha, dere were lyk 2 diff room wit manie peepo inside, 1 was lyk d babysitter room wit mye aunt pure seduction in it, d other were d mummies n daddies,we cal it d 'old peepo' room,hehe actually nort all dat all larhh, miie,abg(uncle qam) && adq(aunt syasya) wen 2 d shopp,we were ohh goshh bored, i bought bubble tea n d coke mumy ask 2 buy, den we wen under diz block n sit arnd, mye uncle did a lil shuffle n jumpstyle,i din take ani video,toopid, we took pichas,den we wen baq 2 d hse, miie n syasya,wen 2 d 'old peepo' room we were lughing n tokin2, 1 ting bout ush was dat,wen dere were manie food,nobody wanted 2 eat, wen dere were a lil left,everybody wanted 2 eat, wateve left was taken by ush in d 'old peepo' room everybody was laudhing2,den wen kak nora(aunt) came into d room 2 giv d cake d whole fam in d 'old peepo'room shout,she was in shock mode ferr awhile,haha we watch manja lara+eatin wateve was arnd, den d adults wen on bout ps3,haha dey were lyk saein,eu buy d guitar,u buy d drum,u buy d mic,all put @ mye hse wen wan 2 plae make app,toopid,haha funnylarhhh,downstair ar sum pichas, ayu rawrrawr(: balloon ferr birthdaegerl(: while findin birthdae presnt ferr birthdae gerl; in d bus otw baq hm fom sumwher
gimme d chocs & nobody gets hurt,hehe; ayu&&syasya(: ; ayu&&umi(qam xtra);Labels: falisha birthdae
ur one and only
chica gone loca{:
klutz.shy.loud.uniquely weird.
my status aint your concern kaes ?:D