Sunday, October 4, 2009 @ 2:53 AM
im loving more
i am soooo sorry that i have not been updating for a long time.
i have been lazy lately.
ayu katekan , standard.
lets boooooooooooooooooom!!(:
021009 the friday ;
Had Hari Raya outing!(:
In school was , how to say eyy
it made me moody , i think ,
they keep saying 2e5 will have spot check,so ayu panicked lurh.
After school had to find ms.Zarina,
She ask me to collect home ec homework since im one of the rep.
She ask me to tell Benny the Horny to collect $0.30 from all
home ec students to produce picture of our noodles.
As Benny was FREAKING lazy,i had to do both.Pathetic much?
Went to staffroom but she wasnt there,had to wait,till Zana Haney and Hunney
gave me an idea to go to home ec kitchen.
She was there,had to count and whatever shitto,Zana Haney and Hunney was angry
waiting outside the kitchen,
We had meet up under Hambali's blk by 2.45pm,its almost 1pm
and im still in school.
Rushed home,bath,make-up,whatever shitto,brotehr also siap.
Than we went downstairs to wait for Iraa and bro and hunney,
I thought i was going to be late,but they came later than me.
Cair make-up ayu.huhu-.-
We were bloody late.
As planned was 24 of us but only 18 turned up,
which was,
Ikaa,Shai,Yan,Sab,Syaa,Syafiq,Khary,danial and haslam.
Than we went to cucu house(:
alaaaa,do you expect me to type and remenber all?
i already have ESTM,what do you expect?
As day becomes night,one by one starts complaing about
their feets in pain,
one by one started being moody.
I was the first to take off my shoe!
one by one took off their shoe.
Whining in pain.huhu-.-
Last house was Khairy's crib,which we reached around 1145pm.
Anyway,everybody reached home around 1240am--2++am,
This year standard larh around that timing,
Hunney sent me home , i mean me and bro home and he took a cab home.
It was FUN!
F.U.N !
overall was statisfying,
but we didnt get to finish all the houses.How sad:(
pichas can be found on my hunney's blog.
if you aint going to his blog than,waitwait longlong till i
am not lazy to upload the pichas okae?
031009 the saturday;
Met up with Zana haney,iraa syg,eman extreme and hunney to
have lunch at banquet.
Went to mummys friend house,Cik Erni
she was lazy to cook,so she ordered PIZZA!(:
Daddy had OT,so we had to take bus,
than we went to Cik Mariana crib,
Hd mee soto,istole/took some shweets!(:
My brother also,i was so tired that i lay on their couch watching
'jangan pandang blakang congkak'
for the how many time ready.
Than Cik Mariana daughter and her friends reach,
ohh amm gee,
mats and minahs
stopp it ye?
tk suke i,huh!
THAN,went to daddy's friend house,Cik Fahmi,
and wth!
His house was freaking damn nice!
i am so damn bloody jalous!
it cost more than 39k thats for sure.
I didnt eat,i was full.
Mcg hunney manymany,suddenly i got a mcg from an unexpected person.
i didnt noe what to do.
forget it larh.
Halfway i slept,on their couch.
Did i mention the house was freaking nice?
Went home and slept.
041009 the sunday;
i'm currently at grandmummy's crib's,
she having open house.
Quite a lot of people came.
I am in the room,feeling down.
WHY?hunney couldnt come to granny's crib!:(
my aunt and grandmummy want to see him!
sedeh pa joy?":(
I miss him !:(
Maybe he sending me home later,
or daddy picking me up or i go home with kak ima.
te quiero hunney te quiero.
i miss him.
mi amor,te quiero.
i am soooo sorry that i have not been updating for a long time.
i have been lazy lately.
ayu katekan , standard.
lets boooooooooooooooooom!!(:
021009 the friday ;
Had Hari Raya outing!(:
In school was , how to say eyy
it made me moody , i think ,
they keep saying 2e5 will have spot check,so ayu panicked lurh.
After school had to find ms.Zarina,
She ask me to collect home ec homework since im one of the rep.
She ask me to tell Benny the Horny to collect $0.30 from all
home ec students to produce picture of our noodles.
As Benny was FREAKING lazy,i had to do both.Pathetic much?
Went to staffroom but she wasnt there,had to wait,till Zana Haney and Hunney
gave me an idea to go to home ec kitchen.
She was there,had to count and whatever shitto,Zana Haney and Hunney was angry
waiting outside the kitchen,
We had meet up under Hambali's blk by 2.45pm,its almost 1pm
and im still in school.
Rushed home,bath,make-up,whatever shitto,brotehr also siap.
Than we went downstairs to wait for Iraa and bro and hunney,
I thought i was going to be late,but they came later than me.
Cair make-up ayu.huhu-.-
We were bloody late.
As planned was 24 of us but only 18 turned up,
which was,
Ikaa,Shai,Yan,Sab,Syaa,Syafiq,Khary,danial and haslam.
Than we went to cucu house(:
alaaaa,do you expect me to type and remenber all?
i already have ESTM,what do you expect?
As day becomes night,one by one starts complaing about
their feets in pain,
one by one started being moody.
I was the first to take off my shoe!
one by one took off their shoe.
Whining in pain.huhu-.-
Last house was Khairy's crib,which we reached around 1145pm.
Anyway,everybody reached home around 1240am--2++am,
This year standard larh around that timing,
Hunney sent me home , i mean me and bro home and he took a cab home.
It was FUN!
F.U.N !
overall was statisfying,
but we didnt get to finish all the houses.How sad:(
pichas can be found on my hunney's blog.
if you aint going to his blog than,waitwait longlong till i
am not lazy to upload the pichas okae?
031009 the saturday;
Met up with Zana haney,iraa syg,eman extreme and hunney to
have lunch at banquet.
Went to mummys friend house,Cik Erni
she was lazy to cook,so she ordered PIZZA!(:
Daddy had OT,so we had to take bus,
than we went to Cik Mariana crib,
Hd mee soto,i
My brother also,i was so tired that i lay on their couch watching
'jangan pandang blakang congkak'
for the how many time ready.
Than Cik Mariana daughter and her friends reach,
ohh amm gee,
mats and minahs
stopp it ye?
tk suke i,huh!
THAN,went to daddy's friend house,Cik Fahmi,
and wth!
His house was freaking damn nice!
i am so damn bloody jalous!
it cost more than 39k thats for sure.
I didnt eat,i was full.
Mcg hunney manymany,suddenly i got a mcg from an unexpected person.
i didnt noe what to do.
forget it larh.
Halfway i slept,on their couch.
Did i mention the house was freaking nice?
Went home and slept.
041009 the sunday;
i'm currently at grandmummy's crib's,
she having open house.
Quite a lot of people came.
I am in the room,feeling down.
WHY?hunney couldnt come to granny's crib!:(
my aunt and grandmummy want to see him!
sedeh pa joy?":(
I miss him !:(
Maybe he sending me home later,
or daddy picking me up or i go home with kak ima.
te quiero hunney te quiero.
i miss him.
mi amor,te quiero.
Labels: te quiero