Saturday, February 6, 2010 @ 7:42 AM
my sexy love .

it's our 7th month ! happy 7th mnth anni dy ! hellu friendfriend ! :)))) Today right right right , is my 7th month with Izdiyad B. Ahmad :DD woah,7 month liao,it feels so fast,but each day goes by so slowly. 060709 is our day. I love my hunney v. muchmuch ! No stealing okie-dokie ? and i ain't sharing okae ? nonono, He is mine,mine,mine ! He's only mine ! Ayu tak suka shareshare,eventhough sharing is caring,i'm ain't sharing! Absoulutely a nono for me. Berani curik ? I'll create chaos for you. It's no biggie y'know. I know,we always fight and quarrel,but every relationship has it's own ups and downs right ? duhhh, Dy,you promised,(i think),hehe,i trust you.
No matter what you people call him, i'm in love with him and he's mine ! Mahu berani jaa ckp depan gua,jgn wire ayu sot sudah ye ?:)) Stop spreading rumours ! I know you're just jealous. Get a life human . Live.Laugh.Love. Tak happy ? We can settle it,be matured larh bodoh . Why hide ? Kecot paaa ? This is going out to whoever is spreading fucking rumours bout him, STOPP IT BODOH ! Don't backstepp,frontstepp ouhkae. Yadyad ayu punya !:)))) No matter what his name may be , Izzy,yadyad,iyad as long as his full name is still Izdiyad B. Ahmad, he,ayu punya property, physically.mentally,emotionally,inside,out Siti Norhidayu PUNYA ! Wow,am i that obsessed with him ? I guess so larh jyeah , Izdiyad B. Ahmad is Siti Norhidayu punya sexy,hunney,daddy,dy,baby,love,darling, miang miau !
ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy Labels: mi amor
Saturday, February 6, 2010 @ 7:42 AM
my sexy love .

it's our 7th month ! happy 7th mnth anni dy ! hellu friendfriend ! :)))) Today right right right , is my 7th month with Izdiyad B. Ahmad :DD woah,7 month liao,it feels so fast,but each day goes by so slowly. 060709 is our day. I love my hunney v. muchmuch ! No stealing okie-dokie ? and i ain't sharing okae ? nonono, He is mine,mine,mine ! He's only mine ! Ayu tak suka shareshare,eventhough sharing is caring,i'm ain't sharing! Absoulutely a nono for me. Berani curik ? I'll create chaos for you. It's no biggie y'know. I know,we always fight and quarrel,but every relationship has it's own ups and downs right ? duhhh, Dy,you promised,(i think),hehe,i trust you.
No matter what you people call him, i'm in love with him and he's mine ! Mahu berani jaa ckp depan gua,jgn wire ayu sot sudah ye ?:)) Stop spreading rumours ! I know you're just jealous. Get a life human . Live.Laugh.Love. Tak happy ? We can settle it,be matured larh bodoh . Why hide ? Kecot paaa ? This is going out to whoever is spreading fucking rumours bout him, STOPP IT BODOH ! Don't backstepp,frontstepp ouhkae. Yadyad ayu punya !:)))) No matter what his name may be , Izzy,yadyad,iyad as long as his full name is still Izdiyad B. Ahmad, he,ayu punya property, physically.mentally,emotionally,inside,out Siti Norhidayu PUNYA ! Wow,am i that obsessed with him ? I guess so larh jyeah , Izdiyad B. Ahmad is Siti Norhidayu punya sexy,hunney,daddy,dy,baby,love,darling, miang miau !
ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy ayu love izzy Labels: mi amor
ur one and only
chica gone loca{:
klutz.shy.loud.uniquely weird.
my status aint your concern kaes ?:D