Thursday, June 18, 2009 @ 9:28 PM
ekk ohh(: well,diz ish bout wat appen on 090609, kae i noe,dis was along tym ago,but,i wanna tok bout it, on dis date we celebrated, 'LINAAA E.P' BIRTHDAE; d birthdae gerl,aint she cute peepo(: d cake blow was designed by AYU,ZANA,MAN&&MUSH, kae,i noe its nort nyce,bt it was d 1st tym we did it, im sowie its nort nyce LINAAA,): ayu rawrrawr was attacked!huh!:S ush eatin cake,duhh, huhu,im nort in d picha): snappy;  d last piece of cake was ferr linaaa(: LINAAA!wth!she got nike shoe ! wich was bloody damn nyce!huh! mush huek huek; birthdae gerl(: man tebiat(: huhu,ken u c miie?heees:D ice-cream!ice-cream!wooohoooo! bloodscrew(: f om tall 2 short,huh! awwwwww,shoo shweet; AYUrawrrawr ;AYUChupaPop! ayurawrrawr; ush @ green park; linaaa,ayu,man; giv her a lolli&&she wont do dat(:     weeeeeeeeeeee~!      kaes,lets strt fom d beginnin, on dat dae,man && zana had shwimmin, mush told miie dat we were mittin @ 12, i reach arnd 12,bt noe wat?nobody was arnd,shit!dey rech bout 4omins ltr, shadd or watt, mush reached 1st,we wen arnd jp,lookin @ cakes, den we met up wit man&&zana, we wen baq inside jp, sumting FUCKTARD APPEN, I FELL @ D ESCALATOR, wth,malumalu, i slide down summoe,haha, kaes,it was pain bt i was laughing,haha mye fwensh were in shock mode,oni d lady infront ask if i was okae, huhu,drop mye water face oni,hha den we wen 2 design d cake, we dinhav experienced,shoo it look bad, huhu,but we were tryin,we were shoutin,&&laughin,lyk crazy peepo, haha,bewi funny,den we wen 2 eat mac b4 mitti linaaa, we were eatin,bt moe lyk Laughin,we were laughing lyk hell,we were d attention, den we met up wit LINAAAAAA!(: we head off 2 westcoastpark, we took 30,huhu,we were makin noise in d bus, wen we reach,we had 2 walk a long distance, whoa,tired,den we find a place 2 sit, kaesss,i love puttin cake on peepo,shoo i did,hheehe, we had fun, den off 2 mac,linaaa wanted 2eat, den we wen 2 green park,bt zana wen home, den mush wen home, shoo left miie,man n linaaa, we plaed,n laugh n laugh, it was great hell, heeeeeeeeees(: im rushin ferr tym,bubbye!(: Labels: linaaa birthdae
Thursday, June 18, 2009 @ 9:28 PM
ekk ohh(: well,diz ish bout wat appen on 090609, kae i noe,dis was along tym ago,but,i wanna tok bout it, on dis date we celebrated, 'LINAAA E.P' BIRTHDAE; d birthdae gerl,aint she cute peepo(: d cake blow was designed by AYU,ZANA,MAN&&MUSH, kae,i noe its nort nyce,bt it was d 1st tym we did it, im sowie its nort nyce LINAAA,): ayu rawrrawr was attacked!huh!:S ush eatin cake,duhh, huhu,im nort in d picha): snappy;  d last piece of cake was ferr linaaa(: LINAAA!wth!she got nike shoe ! wich was bloody damn nyce!huh! mush huek huek; birthdae gerl(: man tebiat(: huhu,ken u c miie?heees:D ice-cream!ice-cream!wooohoooo! bloodscrew(: f om tall 2 short,huh! awwwwww,shoo shweet; AYUrawrrawr ;AYUChupaPop! ayurawrrawr; ush @ green park; linaaa,ayu,man; giv her a lolli&&she wont do dat(:     weeeeeeeeeeee~!      kaes,lets strt fom d beginnin, on dat dae,man && zana had shwimmin, mush told miie dat we were mittin @ 12, i reach arnd 12,bt noe wat?nobody was arnd,shit!dey rech bout 4omins ltr, shadd or watt, mush reached 1st,we wen arnd jp,lookin @ cakes, den we met up wit man&&zana, we wen baq inside jp, sumting FUCKTARD APPEN, I FELL @ D ESCALATOR, wth,malumalu, i slide down summoe,haha, kaes,it was pain bt i was laughing,haha mye fwensh were in shock mode,oni d lady infront ask if i was okae, huhu,drop mye water face oni,hha den we wen 2 design d cake, we dinhav experienced,shoo it look bad, huhu,but we were tryin,we were shoutin,&&laughin,lyk crazy peepo, haha,bewi funny,den we wen 2 eat mac b4 mitti linaaa, we were eatin,bt moe lyk Laughin,we were laughing lyk hell,we were d attention, den we met up wit LINAAAAAA!(: we head off 2 westcoastpark, we took 30,huhu,we were makin noise in d bus, wen we reach,we had 2 walk a long distance, whoa,tired,den we find a place 2 sit, kaesss,i love puttin cake on peepo,shoo i did,hheehe, we had fun, den off 2 mac,linaaa wanted 2eat, den we wen 2 green park,bt zana wen home, den mush wen home, shoo left miie,man n linaaa, we plaed,n laugh n laugh, it was great hell, heeeeeeeeees(: im rushin ferr tym,bubbye!(: Labels: linaaa birthdae
ur one and only
chica gone loca{:
klutz.shy.loud.uniquely weird.
my status aint your concern kaes ?:D