Monday, October 19, 2009 @ 8:16 PM
hola chicos and chicas! i have been busy these days and daddy is hiding the internet connection thingy! ohhh damn fcuk . so i can't really update much you see. saturday; was sad that i couldnt attend Iraa sayang bbq, i had malay dance prac. I veryvery sorry to yall that i couldnt make!:( please forgive ayu okae? Hunney,sorry i couldnt make it:( sunday; THE PERFORMANCE DAE! damn shark! babygerl and hunney came to watch, thankiieu you guys!(: ILOVEYOU GUYS!(: the firstdance was suppose to be rentra, but because the g.o.h came late, we had to dance the hari raya one first, it was a total chaos! i had a nervous breakdown! i did the wrong steps,but it was fun, i gotta admit that the seconddance was okae, but i couldnt smile, i was concentrating not to make mistakes. Went home with precious. bubbye !(:
Monday, October 19, 2009 @ 8:16 PM
hola chicos and chicas! i have been busy these days and daddy is hiding the internet connection thingy! ohhh damn fcuk . so i can't really update much you see. saturday; was sad that i couldnt attend Iraa sayang bbq, i had malay dance prac. I veryvery sorry to yall that i couldnt make!:( please forgive ayu okae? Hunney,sorry i couldnt make it:( sunday; THE PERFORMANCE DAE! damn shark! babygerl and hunney came to watch, thankiieu you guys!(: ILOVEYOU GUYS!(: the firstdance was suppose to be rentra, but because the g.o.h came late, we had to dance the hari raya one first, it was a total chaos! i had a nervous breakdown! i did the wrong steps,but it was fun, i gotta admit that the seconddance was okae, but i couldnt smile, i was concentrating not to make mistakes. Went home with precious. bubbye !(:
ur one and only
chica gone loca{:
klutz.shy.loud.uniquely weird.
my status aint your concern kaes ?:D

♥chicas 'n' chicos