Saturday, October 10, 2009 @ 1:57 AM
mi amor
its official that ayu is a goodygoodygood gerl(:
ive lost my touch.
kae,from now on,i shall be a superh goodygoodygood gerl,
but i won't promise okae?
ohh my fcuk !
i thought the species (insert word) no longer existed,
but i was mistaken.hmmph.
ohh well,this week has been a,whats that word again,waitwait,
*scratch head and mumbling to self*
busy,ah thats the word!
Library and library and library.
Books and books and books.
Next monday is the last paper!
but i have no confident that i will stay in express.:(
im superh scared of my results!
But mr hidayat aka abg hidayat(tution tcher kush)
talked to me and explained to me,
and whats playing in my head is that,
'even if you drop,don't be dishearted,you will have longer time to study and slowly
so that you can cope.'
Its making me more nervous damn it!
kae,must continue studying,
must prepare for next year mahh,
cheyy cam pa,ntahh tol ntahh tk,
but no harm trying kan?
im so tired now,
i dont remember what happen this week,
i mean,i remember some,but some i dont.
like i say i have estm,
i had a quarrel with hunney,
that i remember,
what a heartpain,
the next day was our monthsary,
I was down all the way.
But i discovered something!
I have an uncle in familitchi
who calls me 'mangkuk',
There was a drama in the library,
we call it drama club.
We know ,we know
you all no need know.
daddy sent me to school,it was raining and i was lazy to take the bus,
reach quite early,sat down with my 'boi-fie' , Wei Yu
he teach me some maths thingy,
pass the things i wanted to pass to hunney to iraa,
But we ended up okae,
walk to class with hunney and Wei Yu,
i got two bodyguards!(:
But after i went home and went to the library was dissapointing,
hunney left the things i gave to him in school,
wth hunney wth,
i was so angry,who wouldnt,tell me,
good thing Sujan bro took it,if not how?
go here,go there
so many travelling!
so tiring!
went to my crib,
they wanted to see my kitties.
sparco and momo
They stayed till 8pm because of AVATAR,
sorry i was moody you guys,
i am veryvery sorry,
a thousand apologies!
I had tution at abut 0820pm,
till about 1040pm,
was damn sleepy.
something happened,
which is non of your bloody business okae?
from enemies to friends,
Than lepak at bb with,
man,zana,linaa,ikaa,evelyn,skye and khairy.
had tution ,but i was a lil late,
sorry teacher!(:
well,idk whats going to happen on saturday.
to hunney;
remember the promise?
well,a promise is a promise right?
i will stop if you stop kae,
btw,im sorry i did not post on our monthsary,
you know me right ?
i'm sorry and i love you.
happy belated 3rd monthsary mi amor;
Labels: mi corazon